Quality education for all children? What works in education in developing countries

This paper, authored by Shari Krishnaratne, Howard White and Ella Carpenter for the  International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) demonstrates that educational initiatives in developing countries which focus on cash transfers and health interventions are having a significant impact on attendance. 


CHAPTER 1 Introduction 2

CHAPTER 2 Reducing costs 6

  • Conditional cash transfers 6
  • Vouchers 10
  • School fees 11


CHAPTER 3 Increasing preparedness 16

  • Early childhood development 16
  • School feeding 18
  • Health interventions 21


CHAPTER 4 Providing information 26

CHAPTER 5 Supply-side interventions 30

  • New schools and infrastructure 30
  • Materials 32
  • Additional teaching resources 34
  • School-based management 36


CHAPTER 6 Conclusions 42

This resource was recommended to BetterEvaluation by Maren Duvendack


Krishnaratne, S., White, H. and Carpenter, E., (2013). Quality education for all children? What works in education in developing countries, Working Paper 20. New Delhi: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)