52 weeks of BetterEvaluation Week 1: 2014 evaluation-related conferences [Updated 3rd Feb]
Happy New Year! As you start filling in your diaries and calendars (desk, wall or electronic), make some space for at least one of the evaluation conferences listed below.
Even if you can't attend in person, many conferences provide webcasts of key sessions or make presentations available afterwards. For example, here are some links to sites with materials from previous evaluation conferences:
- AEA (American Evaluation Association) public e-library has many of the presentations from previous conferences, and can be searched by year, topic or keyword.
- SAMEA (South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association) website has presentations from its 2013 conference.
- AES (Australasian Evaluation Society) website has free access to many of the 2013 conference papers and presentations, plus you can buy a DVD of the presentations.
- The Third International Conference on National Evaluation Capacities (hosted by the Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Brazilian Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (SAGI) has a summary of the 2013 conference with links to papers and
You can also follow many conferences on twitter using their hashtag (for example #eval13 and #eval2013 for AEA 2013 conference . We'll add these below as they are publicised, but it's also worth checking out #eval and #evaluation.
The team from BetterEvaluation will be attending many of the conferences listed below, searching for more good examples of evaluation to share with you.
Have we missed any? Let us know and we will add them.
This will be live webcast. Check out the agenda here and register here. Simon Hearn from BetterEvaluation will be presenting on "Setting the Stage: Workshop Framing and Crosscutting Issues". Tweeted at #globalevaluations.
Spectres of Evaluation: Rethinking: Art/Community/Value
3-7 March, Yaounde, Cameroon. African Evaluation Association
7th International conference "Evaluation for Development: From Analysis to Impact", hosted by the Cameroon Development Evaluation Association (CaDEA) in association with the Network Of Networks on Impact Evaluation (NONIE). Submissions: Closed. BetterEvaluation is delighted to be sponsoring the strand on methodological innovation and will be attending the conference.
10-12 March, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Grantmakers for Effective Organisations (GEO)
One strand focuses on Evaluation and Learning: How can we use evaluation and learning to make real-time improvements to our work? How do we create a learning culture within our organizations and with our grantees?
Theme: Engagement of crisis-affected people in humanitarian action. Applications for financial support to attend close 17 January.
20-21 March, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation
Theme: Improving the use of M & E processes and findings. Submission of cases for discussion: closes 22 February.
24-28 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Malaysian Evaluation Society (MES)
Malaysian biannual 6th International Evaluation Conference. Theme "Results-Based Management and Evaluation: Lessons Learnt-Experiences Gained". Conference Dates: 24-25 March, 2014. Post-Conference Workshops: 26-27 March, 2014. Developing Countries' Networking Seminar (Day 5): 28 March, 2014. Submissions: Closed (except in special circumstances)
9-10 April, London, UK. United Kingdom Evaluation Society (UKES)
Moving with the times: evaluation policy, practice and participation. Proposals: Closed.
28-30 April, Amman, Jordan. The Middle East and Northa Africa Evaluators Network (EvalMENA)
The conference runs over two and half days, with half a day dedicated to a meeting of the EvalMENA delegates on April 30th 2013. It will be preceded on April 27th by a full day of professional development workshops which will be also open to local evaluators from Jordan.
Candidates interested in taking part in the conference and sharing experiences/case studies are kindly invited to submit an expression of interest by Monday March 17th 2014. Notifications of acceptance will take place by Saturday March 22nd the latest.
5-7 May Cape Town, South Africa. Research Evaluation and Performance Management Conference
The conference focuses on research evaluation to inform strategic research policy and planning and includes a short bibliometric workshop.
12-13 May Chicago, Illinois, USA. Do Good Data 2014
Do Good Data is the leading conference on how to use data, research, and analytics in the social sector. The conference brings together a unique mix of analysts, leaders, researchers, and practitioners from the social sector.
28-30 May Washington, DC, USA. 17th Annual Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference
Forum for family self-sufficiency and poverty researchers. Presentations and videos from previous conferences available here.
15-18 June Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Evaluation Society (CES)/Société canadienne d'évaluation (SCÉ)
Theme: 35 years: Celebrating Contributions to Canadian Evaluation. Strands: Canadian Contributions to Evaluation Research and Theory; Interdisciplinary and International Evaluation Methods; Learning from Each Other- Evaluation Practice Across Sectors and Regions. Patricia Rogers from the BetterEvaluation team will be presenting a keynote address at this conference.
35 ans déjà! Célébrons les contributions à l'évaluation au Canada. Les contributions canadiennes à la recherche sur l’évaluation et ses théories. Des méthodes interdisciplinaires et internationales. Apprenons les uns des autres en explorant les pratiques évaluatives privilégiées dans certains secteurs et régions
16-19 June Belfast, Northern Ireland. Campbell Collaboration Colloquium 2014
Theme: 'Better evidence for a better world". Seeking papers on the interface between systematic reviews and other stages of the evidence cycle. Proposal deadline: extended to 24 January.
27-29 June Boston, USA. Mixed Methods International Research Association
Theme: Coming at things differently: Challenges, advances and diversity within and across mixed methods research communities.
Proposal submission deadline: 30 March.
7-9 July, Cambridge, UK. 7th International Conference on Evidence-based Policing.
Theme: Police-led experiments
7-10 July, Wellington, NZ. Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association
Theme: Our House, Our Whare, Our Fale: Building Strong Evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Pre-conference workshops 7 July am and post-conference workshops 10 July. Keynote speaker: Stephanie Evergreen.
8-11 September, Berlin, Germany. International Energy Policies and Programme Evaluation Conference
Connecting evaluators, implementors and stakeholders of low-carbon policies and programmes
8-12 September, Darwin, Australia. Australasian Evaluation Society (AES)
Theme: Unleashing the power of evaluation. 8-9 September pre-conference workshops. 10-12 September conference. Workshop proposals deadline: 27 February. Conference proposals deadline: 20 March 2014. The BetterEvaluation team will be attending this conference.
Papers and presentations from previous conferences can be accessed here.
10-12 September Zurich, Switzerland, La Société suisse d'évaluation and DeGEval Deutsch Gesellschaft fur Evaluation
Papers accepted in French or German.
Theme: 'Forging Alliances for Action: Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment Across Fields of Practice' . Proposals close 31 January.
1-3 October, Dublin, Ireland. European Evaluation Society (EES)
Theme: Evaluation for an Equitable Society: Independence, partnership, participation. Submission deadline: 1 March by online form of a 500 word abstract.
13-19 October, Denver, CO, USA. American Evaluation Association (AEA)
Visionary Evaluation for A Sustainable, Equitable Future.More information on conference theme here. Conference website coming soon. The BetterEvaluation team will be attending this conference.
Image credit: Future Roles Map, Will Richardson, via Flickr.