Careers in monitoring and evaluation

The Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), in collaboration with EvalYouth and DEval, has created a new content section on focused on careers in monitoring and evaluation (M&E): The Evaluation Career Guide. This content is designed for young and emerging evaluators or anyone new to the M&E field who is interested in pursuing a career in this area.

Our aim is to address common challenges faced by newcomers in M&E, including limited awareness of the different career options in M&E.

By supporting individuals as they build and grow their careers in M&E, we aim to strengthen recruitment and retention in the field. 

About this survey

This survey includes questions about:

  • your experiences building a career in M&E
  • challenging and rewarding aspects of your career
  • your advice for pursuing a career in M&E

We will use these responses to include quotes and examples from real people working in M&E in our new landing page and related blogs, helping make the content more relatable and informative for people exploring M&E career options. Additionally, responses will help us shape future content, such as blogs and resources, to better meet the needs of new professionals in the field.

There are also three optional questions inviting you to share your career story. These responses may be featured as examples of diverse pathways and roles, offering new evaluators insights into the range of careers within M&E.

Your privacy

We ask for your name and contact information to acknowledge any contributions that appear on the site and incase we would like to follow up for more information. However, you may also choose to submit your responses anonymously. 

Thank you for participating in this survey.

How did you first become interested in evaluation as a career?
How many years of work experience in evaluation do you have?
What type of organisation do you currently work for?
How would you describe your current role in evaluation?

Your career story (optional)

We have a few additional questions that go into a little more detail about your career pathway. These are completely optional. 

We are looking for new and established evaluators to share their career pathway stories. We want to highlight the diversity of pathways and roles within the field of evaluation so that emerging evaluators can better understand that there are a lot of different options and opportunities for them to pursue. Your responses will be used in content aimed at emerging evaluators. This might take the form of quotes or narrative text used in the Evaluation Career Guide or in related blogs, or as part of a high-level summary of responses.

Are you willing to share additional details about your career journey?

In particular, we're interested in how you started your career in M&E, any key roles (or types of roles) you've held, and any particularly important milestones or key influences on your career.

Please describe any significant moments or important turning points that have shaped your professional journey.
Tell us about what your role is and what it is like.  What sorts of tasks do you do? What does a day (or week) in your role look like?
Have there been any moments, experiences, or aspects of your work that have been particularly rewarding or that make you feel fulfilled or proud?

Contact information

This allows us to credit your responses and follow up if we would like to request more information, if you would like us to do so. 

We’d love to attribute you for your contribution. It’s also fine if you’d rather contribute anonymously.