Ushahidi is an open-source mapping and crowdsourcing tool that can be used by organizations to collect, manage and analyse crowdsourced info.
Alan Mountain
Contributed by this member
- This website from is an online portal which aims to facilitate the sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
- This tool, developed by PRISMA, can be used to develop a PRISMA flow diagram in order to report on systematic reviews.
- This website from Children Now provides an interactive display of statistics reporting on the wellbeing of children in California. It uses 38 indicators to rank child well-being in each of California's 58 Counties.
- This is a clear and concise guide to writing email which includes a 'top ten tips' to effective email writing.
- The Global Peace Index, an initiative of Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), provides a ranking for each nation in regards to their peacefulness.
- This article, written by Richard Hummelbrunner for the IDS Bulletin (Volume 46 Number 1), outlines a conceptual framework allowing the exploration and reflection on the three systems concepts with learning and values and
- This handbook, produced by the Independent Evaluation Office for UN Women, is aimed at supporting those who are implementing gender-respo
- This special edition of the IDS Bulletin focuses on exploring the potential of systems ideas and complexity concepts to meet development needs.
- This paper, written by Ruth Levine and William Savedoff for the Center for Global Development, outlines how impact evaluations funded by aid agencies can promote good governance and acceler
- This guide, written by Carrie Baptist and Barbara Befani for Coffey, provides an outline of the use of Qualitative Comparative&nbs
- This checklist, developed by Learning for Sustainability, is designed to ensure ethical considerations are being taken into account during evaluation.
- This article, written by Julie Polisena, Chantelle Garritty, Chris Kamel, Adrienne Stevens and Ahmed M Abou-Setta, looks at the processes and methods used in producing Rapid Reviews (RR)to synthesize evide
- This website, from UNICEF, provides a range of tools that are designed to support survey teams through every step of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) process.
- This blog post from Ann K Emery looks at six different ways to display data to facilitate ease of reading and comprehension.
- This guide, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at the process of causal attribution with a particular emphasis on its use in impact evaluation.
- This slidedeck from Jon Schwabish for Policyviz provides step-by-step guidance for creating bullet charts using Excel.
- This paper by Stephen Few for Perceptual Edge looks at three different ways to present data in a graphical format that features change between two points in time.
- Gantt charts allow you to plan and analyse more complex projects by giving you the ability to plan and schedule tasks, allocate resources and develop a critical pathway for project completion.
- This working paper from Coffey International Development outlines the challenges faced when undertaking evaluation in fragile and conflict-affected states and provid
- This paper, written by Chris Roche and Linda Kelly for the Development Leadership Program (DLP), argues for the use of a mixed methods approach to monitoring and evaluation of programs that 'work politic
- This webpage by Roberto Mensa and Krisztina Szabó, provides step-by-step guidance on producing slopegraphs in Excel.
- This video guide from UNICEF looks at the issues involved in choosing and using data collection and analysis methods for impact evaluations.
- This blog post by Stephanie Evergreen for Evergreen Data provides guidance on using Excel to add a benchmark line to a graph.
- This blog post from Stephanie Evergreen of Evergreen Data provides step-by-step guidance for creating dot plots using Excel.
- TagCrowd is a web application for visualizing word frequencies in any text by creating what is popularly known as a word cloud, text cloud or tag cloud.
- This blog post from Rhett A Butler for outlines the use of a new tool, Global Forest Watch, which uses big data to monitor global forests on a monthly basis. Utilising Google’s computing cloud the tool is able to analyse
- This series of papers about evaluation practices in philanthropy was published as a sponsored supplement of the Stanford Social Innovation Review for the Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation.
- This toolkit, developed by Spark Insight Partners (formerly Spark Policy Institute), offers a range of tools and resources to support not for profits and community organisations create socia
- This blog post from Stephanie Evergreen from Evergreen Data provides step-by-step guidance for producing dumbbell dot plots using excel.
- This web page by Edward Tufte provides guidance on the use of slope graphs. Through the use of detailed examples and graphics the general theory and practice of slope graphs is clearly articulated.
- This issue of New Directions for Evaluation focuses on democratic evaluation with a particular emphasis on inclusive practices which emphasise participation and collaboration.
- This paper from Brenda Zimmerman outlines the use of Ralph Stacey's Agreement & Certainty Matrix.
- This presentation, given by Carolyn Cohen for Matan/United Way Israel outlines the process for using Evaluation and Strategy Learning Circles.
- RapidMiner is a software package that allows data mining, text mining and predictive analytics.
- This tool from StatSilk allows the user to create interactive maps which are fully customisable.
- This journal, published by Sage, aims to provide a platform for discussing the ideas and debates emerging around the use of big data.
- This blog post from Stephanie Evergreen highlights the steps that were taken to revise the some presentation slides showing data.
- This is the first guidance note in a series of three from the SEA Change Community of Practice and UKCIP that focuses on the monitoring and evaluation of climate
- This blog post from Stephanie Evergreen of Evergreen Data provides step-by-step guidance on creating bullet charts in Excel.
- This example of a Request for Proposal (RFP) from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is for a joint evaluation of HIV-related capacity development initiatives on young key populat
- The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is a collaboration of organisations and projects with the specific aim of promoting greater openness in governments, companies and other institutions so that the public can hold them
- This guide, created by Social Value UK (formerly SROI Network) in collaboration with Hall Aitken, is aimed at providing guidance
- This public data tool is designed to provide an intuitive web-based interface for viewing the potential effects of disasters on the U.S. workforce and population.
- This guide, written by Allison Hewlitt and Lucie Lamoureux for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the International Fund for Agricultural
- This webpage from the Blandin Foundation outlines its Mountain of Accountability© which has three interconnected levels of accountability.
- This checklist, written by Kate Dyer for Outcome Mapping Learning Community, was developed from the Accountability in Tanzania programme and relates to the development of individual prog
- This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide mo
- This blog post from Sam Held for the American Evaluation Association (AEA) looks at the requirements for data sharing under different federal agencies data sharing policies.
- Este estudio de caso ofrece un resumen del proceso de implementación de un sistema de monitoreo y evaluación a nivel de gobierno (GWM&ES) en Sudáfrica.
- This report, written by Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Eugenia Boutylkova, Anneke Maarse & Cristien Temmink for HIVA - Research institute for work and society, looks at how 10 developm
- This webpage from the European Environmental Agency outlines 23 dos and don't for creating charts for presentations.
- This article, written by Patricia Rogers and Greet Peersman for the IDS Bulletin, looks at the requirements for developing a research agenda for impact evaluation.
- This guide, written by Tina Yesayan for USAID, outlines strategies to incorporate social media into the activities of civil society organizations (CSOs) to promote democracy, human rights,&
- This paper, written by Michaela Raab and Wolfgang Stuppert for the UK Department for International Development (DfID), assesses the
- This report, written by Peter Z.
- This webinar, given by David Fetterman for the American Evaluation Association's Coffee Break series, provides an overview of empowerment evaluation by outlining examples of its use from around t
- This guide, written by Shobha Kumar, Aaron Leonard, Ryan Watkins, Yianna Vovides, and Brigitte Kerby for the World Bank, outlines the process for designing, implementing, and measuring
- This guide, written by Peter M. Lance, David K. Guilkey, Aiko Hattori and Gustavo Angeles for MEASURE Evaluation, outlines core statistical and econometric methods for program impact evaluation.
- This website from Will Allen provides a range of resources that focus on monitoring and evaluation that leads to sustainable development.
- This paper, written by Jan van Ongevalle and Christine Carabain for NCDO looks at the action research conducted by four Dutch organisations active in promoting global citizenship analysi
- These New Zealand Aid Program documents are designed to allow users to input data and information in a pre-formatted evaluation plan template.
- This blog post by Ella McPherson for the London School of Economics and Political Science, Impact Blog looks at the lessons that can be learned from the ethical and methodological
- This workshop, from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is aimed at locally elected officials involved in environmental governance.
- Written by Dennis Bours, Colleen McGinn & Patrick Pringle, this paper looks at theory of change (ToC) and why it is useful for climate change adaptation programming.
- Written by Dennis Bours, Colleen McGinn & Patrick Pringle, this note provides guidance on selecting appropriate indicators in program planning and assessment.
- This guide, written by Hallie Preskill, Srik Gopal with Katelyn Mack and Joelle Cook for FSG, is focused on bringing together knowledge of systems change, complexity, and evaluation
- This webinar, presented by Carlo Carugi for the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEOIEO), discusses some of the common challenges of in country level
- This is a webinar that was given by Jess Dart for Enabling Change and Innovation (archived link) on her seven secrets of good
- This strategy document from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) outlines the strategic pathway for all work conducted by UNEG for the period 2014 - 2019.
- This open-source R package, developed by Kay H. Brodersen for Google, can be used for estimating the causal effect of a designed intervention on a time series.
- This video guide, produced by UNICEF, outlines three broad strategies for causal attribution: 1) estimating the counterfactual; 2) checking the consistency of evidence for the causal relationships m
- This guide from Pact provides detailed guidance on each part of the evaluation process.
- This slideshow, developed by Jolene Smyth for the The Evaluators Institute, looks at new ideas in survey design and also some of the issues that may be of concern when one is conducting a survey.
- This website, developed by Dr. Saed Sayad, includes a detailed classification of data mining methods.
- This comment, written by Dean Ornish and published on the blog What scientific idea is ready for retirement, argues that larger studies do not always equate to more rigorous or definitive re
- This video lecture, by Jyotsna Puri for International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) highlights innovative uses of data and methods to overcome the challenges faced when conducting a
- This website provides a range of resources that can be used for the practice of capacity development which are closely linked to, and build upon, the topics covered in the
- This learning resource, produced by the Pacific Research & Evaluation Associates (PREA) for the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), aims to introduce users
- This paper from the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) provides an overview of their competencies for evaluators and evaluation managers.
- This tutorial by Nathan Yau for Flowing Data provides step-by-step guidance for producing a choropleth map by using free online tools.
- This website from Lucidchart provides a range of examples of Concept Maps and allows the user to create their own or use one of the templates provided.
- In this book Derek Beach and Rasmus Brun Pedersen refine the definition of process tracing by breaking it into three different variants.
- This guide, written by Gareth Benest for InsightShare, provides advice running community screenings as part of a participatory video process.
- This article, written by Robin Lin Miller and Rebecca Campbell, examines 47 case studies of empowerment evaluation in order to assess their effectiveness in adhering to empowerment evaluation principles and in achieving outcomes that e
- This website, developed by Severino Ribecca, provides a comprehensive catalogue of data visualisation methods.
- This video, of a presentation given by Glenn O’Neill at the European Evaluation Society Conference in Helsinki, Finland in October 2012, provides an overview of seven different me
- This online guide, written by John Young, Louise Shaxson, Harry Jones, Simon Hearn, Ajoy Datta and Caroline Cassidy for the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), has been designed to support users to understand, engage with a
- This web site aims to provide researchers with the guidance and tools necessary to conduct ethical research with children and young people in a variety of contexts.
- This guide, written by Eileen Babbitt, Diana Chigas and Robert Wilkinson for USAID, provides detailed guidance on using theories of change, with a particular emphasis on conflict management and
- This guide was developed by Pact to provide guidance on basic steps and considerations that need to be taken when deciding to use mobile technology in program implementation monitoring and evaluation
- This paper, written by Marta Foresti with Christina Archer, Tammie O’Neil and Richard Longhurst for Agence Française de Développement, analyses the evaluation policies and practices of nine dif
- This blog post from Nate Wilairat for Evergreen Data provides a range of tips for increasing evaluation utilization through the use of visual communication.
- This guide from the OECD is aimed at improving program design, management and evaluation in areas of conflict and fragility.
- Feedback Labs is a collaboration of like-minded organisations who aim to make governments, NGOs and donors more responsive to the needs of their constituents.
- This book, written by Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, is based on the Stanford University course Mining Massive Datasets.
- This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide mo
- This video from Dave Snowden of Cognitive Edge introduces the Cynefin Framework which is a tool that allows the user to see things from different points of view, assimilate complex concepts
- This website from the Rockefeller Foundation provides links to a range of tools and storytellers to support the development of digital stories to drive social impact.
- This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide mo
- This volume of Making Evaluation Matter from SAGE Publications India and the
- This toolkit, developed by the Scottish Health Council, provides a range of tools and methods that can be used to support the involvement of clients in the design and deliver
- This checklist, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can be used to assess the the quality of potential evaluation questions.
- This blog post by Dean Meyers for VizWorld reviews the new data portal from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC
- This report written by by Carla Sutherland and Khosi Xaba for the Other Foundation outlines the process that was used as part of a pilot grant making initiative.
- This blog post by Nancy Duarte for the Harvard Business Review outlines five questions that should be asked before deciding how to visualise data.
- This lecture, given by Brenda Zimmerman, Associate Professor of Policy at York University’s Schulich School of Business, outlines a number of approaches for addressing complexity in evaluations.
- This article, written by Robert Picciotto for the IDS Bulletin (Volume 45 Number 6), argues that evaluators who wish to achieve high-quality evaluation standards must draw upon a range of methods and tools to complete the ta
- These are the evaluation standards of the Swiss Evaluation Society (SEVAL) which have been designed to contribute to the professionalisation of evaluation in Switzerland.
- This video presentation from Chris Wood, Michael Quinn Patton and Ben Ramalingam for USAID looks at complex systems and how they are different from the norm.
- This guide, written by Alistair Hallam and Francesca Bonino for Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), outlines a framework for strengthening the capacity of humanitarian ev
- This guide, written by Ed Naef, Philipp Muelbert, Syed Raza, Raquel Frederick, Jake Kendall and Nirant Gupta for Cartesian and the
- This is Part 3 of a three part series of video lectures conducted by USAID on complexity.
- This guide from the Public Service Transformation Network aims to support evaluation of the effectiveness of work to transform public services.
- This guide from the Stockholm Resilience Centre outlines seven key principles that can be used to develop resilience in social-ecological systems.
- This paper from Danny Burns for the Centre for Development Impact (CDI) focuses on using complexity and systems thinking to try and understand how change happens.
- This guide, written by Diana Chigas, Madeline Church and Vanessa Corlazzoli for the UK Department for International Development (DFID)
- This tutorial by Nathan Yau from FlowingData outlines an easy method for fitting a line to data points of a scatterplot by using open source software.
- This lecture, given by Reina Neufeldt for DME for Peace, looks at how interview data can be used more effectively to gain a more complex understanding of an intervention. The lecture also prov
- This webinar, presented by Jonathan Morell to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), looks at creating evaluation designs for programs that have unexpected consequences.
- This website from Sage Publications provides access to a range of free, open access materials that focus on qualitative data analysis.
- This book from Robert K. Yin provides detailed guidance on case study research.
- In this webinar, Ricardo Wilson-Grau presents a story of fish soup development in order to demonstrate how inputps, outputs, outcomes and impacts relate to the use of Outcome Mapping in complex and simple situation
- This paper, written by Nguyen Viet Cuong for International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) explores some of the experiences and difficulties of evaluating the impact of prog
- The INCAA tool was developed was developed by Sovereignty First as a way to develop a snapshot of a country's 'cultural condition'. It measures 25 components which are necessary to ev
- This video guide, produced by UNICEF, summarises the different elements of impact evaluation and options for planning and managing its various stages.
- This paper is the strategic plan for the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of UN Women (UNW).
- This blogpost, written by Mary Radomile for R-bloggers, looks at the open-source R package CausalImpact which can be used for causal analyses.
- This guidance note from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) outlines a System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP) on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
- This video presentation by Alison B. Hamilton for the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) focuses on qualitative study design, data collection, and fundamentals of data analysis.
- This webpage, written by Jorge Camoes for ExcelCharts, outlines the arguments for and against using pie charts and then provides detailed advice and some dos and don'ts for using them.
- These presentations, given by Ranjani Murthy for the Institute of Social Studies Trust, focus on various participatory evaluation tools that can be used in gender-sensitive and quality
- This paper, written by Julian Barr and Angela Christie for ITAD, outlines an organising framework as a means for better understanding, expressing and enabling judgements to be reached o
- Tagxedo is a tool that allows you to create word clouds from online material be entering the web address and then choosing the shape you would like the it to appear as.
- BigML is an online software package that can be used for data or text mining. The program allows you to input raw data, create data sets, develop models and then make predictions.
- This case study from The World Bank looks at the use of outcome mapping to evaluate the effectiveness of a number of programs in Mongolia.
- This guide from Community Toolbox looks at why an evaluation plan is essential part of an evaluation.
- This slideshow from Scott St. George of the University of Minnesota, highlights the need to eliminate unwanted elements from graphs and charts.
- This tool from the Open Indicators Consortium (OIC) is a visualisation platform which allows the user to integrate, analyse and visualise data at “nested” levels of geography, and to disseminate the results in a web page.
- This blog post from Participatory Methods provides a detailed overview of Acountable Aid.
- The online self assessment tool was created by Social Value UK (formerly the SROI Network, archived link) 
- This website from Design, Monitoring & Evaluation (DM&E) for Peacebuilding provides a learning portal and community of practice that allows the collaborative sharing of:&
- This USAID document describes the key competencies that are required of evaluators undertaking evaluation of their programs.
- This guide, written by Cynthia Gaigals with Manuela Leonhardt for Safer World provides a critical overview of different approaches used by a variety of groups in conflict-prone
- This example of a SWOT Analysis from Lucidchart uses two fictional characters, Superman and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, to demonstrate how the tool can be used
- This issues brief from the OMG Center for Collaborative Learning (OMG) describes the experience of using a developmental evaluation approach in order to evaluate the
- This paper by Derek Beach and Rasmus Brun Pedersen analyses the three variants of process tracing and goes on to develop guidelines for using each of them.
- This podcast by Stephanie Evergreen, for , outlines the smart use and analyses of data visualisation fo
- This blog post from Jean-Martin Bauer, Koffi Akakpo, Marie Enlund and Silvia Passeri for Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) analyses the results of a household food security assessment c
- This blog, by Dr David Fetterman, provides a range of resources on empowerment evaluation theory and practice.
- This guide from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) sets out the principles that are used to ensure value f
- This blog post and its associated replies, written by Jed Friedman for the World Bank, describes a process of using analytic methods to overcome some of the assumptions that must be made when extrapolating results from evaluations to other
- This blog post by Linda Raftree discusses the relationship between innovation and ICTs.
- This blog post from Linda Raftree outlines the key discussions that were held at a NYC Technology Salon examining the link between big data and resilience
- This article, written by Sally Robinson, Karen R. Fisher & Robert Strike, examines why evaluations of disability programs rarely use inclusive approaches that engage people with cognitive disabilities.
- This paper, written by Christine C.
- This edition of Evaluation Matters, from the African Development Bank, provides a range of discussion and case studies covering the key question: Does evaluation matter for gender and gender mainst
- This webpage by Ann K Emery provides a number of short video tutorials for creating Excel charts that can be used for highlighting evaluation findings in reports.
- This paper by Stephen Few of Perceptual Edge outlines the five key components of bullet graphs. For each component he provides an explanation, an example and the formatting default
- This blog post Cole Nussbaumer for Storytelling with Data provides an Excel template for creating slopegraphs.
- This blog post by Sonja Blignaut for More Beyond discusses some of the clear distinctions between complexity thinking and systems thinking.
- This guide from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has been written for those in the field who need clear and easy to follow instructions on the use of MCA.
- This entry from the Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods provides a detailed overview of probability sampling and the different k
- This blog post from Ann K Emery provides step-by-step guidance for creating a small multiples bar chart using Excel. The 10 step process provides detailed guidance and screen shots of each stage of the method.
- This article from the Qualitative Health Research Journal outlines the research undertaken to discover how disconfirming cases are handled in reviews of qualitative research.
- This guide from the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) provides a template and examples for each section of an MOU.
- This website from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) focuses on the where, why and how of using participatory methods for development programs.
- This slide show, from United Nations Global Pulse, is aimed at supporter international development and humanitarian communities make sense of Big Data.
- This paper, written by Andrea Chester, Dallas Wingrove & Angela Clarke for RMIT University, is the final report of the implementation of a peer partnerships model designed to embed s
- This guide, written by Gary McGrow and Lesley Greenaway for the Scottish Health Council, was developed as a tool for evaluating public involvement and particip
- This presentation was given by Patricia Bowie and Moira Inkelas at the Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) and Stanford Social Innovation Review&
- This report from the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Measuring Sustainability provides detailed guidance for decision makers on measuring for effective sustainability.
- This toolkit from Learning for Action (LFA) is designed to support the evaluation of advocacy campaigns and initiatives.
- This book, written by Rachel Glennerster & Kudzai Takavarasha, provides step-by-step guidance on running randomised impact evaluations of social programmes.
- This presentation, given by Lucy Bernholz at the Next Generation Evaluation: Embracing Complexity, Connectivity and Change conference on November 14th 2013, discusses the use of big data as a positive tool for change, whilst
- This report, written by Hallie Preskill and Katelyn Mack for the Foundation Strategy Group (FSG), provides detailed guidance on taking a strategic approach to evaluation.
- This checklist, developed by Learning for Sustainability, is designed to ensure ethical considerations are being taken into account throughout a project cycle.
- This document form UNICEF outlines a revised policy for conducting evaluations.
- This guide, written by Vanessa Corlazzoli and Jonathan White for the UK Department for International Development (DFID), was developed t
- This video from the Center on the Developing Child demonstrates how a theory of change was developed for improving child outcomes through the development of adult capabilities.
- This webinar from Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia provides detailed discussion and examples of two evaluation methods: Randomized Control Trials (RC
- This tool from the US Department of Homeland Security provides step-by-step guidance for writing an MOU. It is laid out in template form with suggested headings for each section.
- This report, written by Ali Channa for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), outlines a framework and action plan that aims to create effective, efficient, relevant and sustainab
- This guide, developed by Michael Quinn Patton for the Otto Bremer Foundation, supports evaluators and organisations get the most our of evaluations by introducing and elaborating on core evaluat
- This case study from the Scottish Health Council provides an example of how participatory approaches can be used to incorporate the views of key stakeholders in the provision
- This paper, written by Narelle Hampe for the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), provides detailed guidance on the use of reflective practice.
- This guide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a detailed outline of the need for and the process of developing an Evaluation Consulting Group (ECG) or Advisory Group.
- This presentation was given by James Radner at the Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) and Stanford Social Innovation Review conference, Nex
Adding Value to Evaluations: Applying the Governmental Learning Spiral for Evaluation-Based Learning
This guide from the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank outlines the use of Governmental Learning Spiral as a concept for organizing evaluation-based learning.- This blog post from Susan Kistler for the American Evaluation Association (AEA) provides guidance on using Haiku Deck for presentation slide decks.
- This paper, written by Dennis Whittle for the Center for Global Development, outlines a set of principles that can be used to support the development of feedback loops for international development p
- This guide, written by Jacques M Chevalier and Daniel J Buckles for Participatory Action Research, provides a set of tools and processes that can be used to engage people in complex
- This website provides a range of resources and discussion about approaches for assessing transformative development processes.
- In this presentation, Dr. Beverly Parsons for The Evaluation Center, outlines a framework for developing a systems-oriented evaluation.
- This publication, edited by edited by Andrew Williams, James Bexfield, Fabrizio Fitzgerald Farina and Johannes de Nijs for NATO looks at innovation within in the area of capability development pa
- This set of standards was developed by the Uganda Evaluation Association (UEA) in order to guide evaluations that take place in Uganda to ensure a good standard of practice is demonstrated by evaluators during evaluation
- This resource pack from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) comprises of two parts that can be used to plan and conduct joint evaluations.
- This blog post from William Savedoff of the Center for Global Development provides a list of databases that can be used for finding impact evaluations, particularly those that include stud
- This forum discussion from Ranjani.K.Murthy on the Gender and Evaluation website, analyses some of the difficulties and constraints that evaluators face in ensuring the part
- This report from the Africa Progress Panel (APP) provides an analysis of Africa's natural resources and provides a series of recommendations and actions to ensure improvement in their use and development.
- This tool allows the user to design email newsletters and then distribute and integrate them with their current social media and communication networks.
- Comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) is a software package that can be used to conduct a meta-analysis simply and effectively.
- This blog post by Stephanie Evergreen demonstrates how to ensure that presentation slides introduce the components of complex graphics one at a time.
- This guidance note from Jessica Hagen-Zanker and Richard Mallett of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) outlines an eight-stage approach to writing a literature review that complies with the principles of a sys
- In this chapter from Exploring Crime Analysis Readings on Essential Skills, the key principles of descriptive and multivariate statistics are demonstrated so as to provide practitioners with the basic
- This guidance note from InterAction outlines the basic principles and ideas of Impact Evaluation including when, why, how and by whom it should be done. The document is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
- This is the fourth guidance note from InterAction's series on impact evaluation. The guide, written by David Bonbright, outlines three key themes linked to the effective use of evaluation results.
- This poster presentation from the American Evaluation Association Conference 2011 analyses the research conducted in Canada in order to develop a nationwide mentoring program for evaluators.
- This Expression of Interest (EoI) from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) demonstrates the clear structure and content of an EoI for evaluation purposes.
- This worksheet from Chapter 5 of the Nation
- This case study highlights a Utilisation Focused Ev
- This website from the Plain English Foundation provides a variety of guides, tips and examples that demonstrate the use of plain English in writing.
- This guide from NGO-IDEAS provides a detailed description of the purposes and uses of its Trend Analysis Tiny Tool.
- This evaluation report from the PAN Asian Collaborative for Evidence-based eHealth Adoption and Application (PANACeA) provides the findings from a capacity building project using
- This article from Stephen Few of Perceptual Edge provides a critique of many of the arguments used to promote big data - in particular concerns that without adequate analysis and visualisation, b
- This slideshow from a presentation given by Nicole Bowman at the American Evaluation Association Conference describes how UFE was used by Native American tribal groups to assess projects that cr
- In this webinar from the International Advocacy Evaluation Community of Practice demonstrates how Most Significant Change and Participatory Video were used to e
- This blog post from the American Evaluation Association provides an overview of Google Refine, a desktop application (downloadable) that can be used to calculate frequencies and multi-tabulate data
- This blog post from Susan Kristler provides on overview of the various strengths and weaknesses of using online survey software.
- This case study from the Singapore Internet Research Centre (SIRCA) describes how they used a Utilization Focused Evaluation for a project in conjunction with Developing Evaluation C
- This review from CARE International UK looks at 19 peacebuilding projects in conflict-affected countries and finds that the articulation and review of theories of change has a wide ran
- This manual from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is aimed at supporting staff in conducting evaluations of development interventions.
- This guide from USAID is designed to support staff in the implementation of gender into program planning and design.
- This web page from Mind Tools provides a detailed guide, including examples, of how to use Gantt charts for project planning, monitoring and evaluation.
- This paper, developed by the Victorian Government's former Department of Planning and Community Development, provides a step-by-step guide to the process of conducting an evaluation in order to ensure that a project or program has met its o
- This online course from Penn State University, provides 12 lessons focusing on various aspects of this option.
- This presentation from the AFREA Conferencein Ghana 2012, outlines DECI's focus for using UFE in its project using ICT for development.
- This case study from the PAN Asian Collaboration for Evidence-based e-Health Adoption and Application (PANACeA), details how
- This presentation from Emma Williams at The Northern Institute of Charles Darwin University analyses the lack ethical guidelines for evaluation in Indigenous contexts and argues the
- This paper from Wilder Research provides a detailed explanation for building high quality logic models in four steps.
- This paper from the Asia Foundation and The Justice and Security Research Programme
- This workbook from the Innovation Network provides a detailed overview of the concepts and processes for planning a program evaluation.
- This blog post from Stephanie Evergreen of Evergreen Data provides guidance on using Excel to make back to back graphs in order to compare data between responses to the same survey from two
- This paper from Personnel Cooperation in Developing Countries (PSO) and HIVA is the mid term review of an ongoing collaborative action research project i
- This guide from the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) Potent Presentations Initiative provides detailed guidance on designing slides for your presentations.
- This slide show, presented by United Nations Global Pulse at an event to launch a new white paper "Big Data for Development: Challenges and Opportunities" provides a detailed o
- This YouTube video provides a detailed tutorial on creating Gantt charts using Microsoft Excel.
- This blog post from Beth Kanter describes the process of 'listening' to what people are saying about your brand through social media monitoring.
- This online guide to creating final evaluation reports provides a setp-by-step approach to developing a final report.
- This guide, authored by Dana Taplin and Muamer Rasic for ActKnowledge, provides detailed guidance on facilitating theory of change workshops.
- A blog post from Jim Woodhill that outlined the process for creating Rich Pictures, which enable groups to draw a picture of a situation they are trying to understand.
- This research provides a review of mobile data collection software systems, projects, and initiatives existing in 2011. "In order to accomplish this, NOMAD undertook the following tasks:
- This Wikipedia page provides a detailed discussion of using audience response units.
- This webpage provides examples of how NVivo has been used by government agencies to analyse qualitative data.
- This report examines the European pathway to the Future which is a transnational project aimed at sharing best practice in developing and implementing social inclusion policies.
- This report from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID), reviews Australia's rural development assistance progra
- This paper from Foundation Safety Group (FSG) outlines the process of using comparative performance systems to monitor and evaluate projects, programs and organisations.
- This chapter from the National Science Foundation's User-Friendly Handbook for Mixed Method Evaluations provides an overview of the design process for mixed method evaluatio
- This report from the UK Government's Department for International Development (DfID) reviews the use of theory of change in the international development field in order to learn and further br
- In this interview Development Impact talks with Nick York, Head of Evaluation and Gail Marzetti, Deputy Head, Research and Evidence Division from the UK Government's Department for International Development (DfID) to discuss their approach
- This paper from the UK Cabinet Office describes how random control trials can be used to assess the effectiveness of public policy interventions.
- This website from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is the home for the Developing Evaluation & Communication Capacity in Information Society Research (DECI-2) program.
- GovMetric (formerly Public Service Monitor) is a website that monitors the internet to identify the topics that are being discussed and evaluating the information in order to provide a snapshot of the views presented.
- Crowdmap is an online tool designed by the creators of the Ushahidi tool. The tool allows you to create interactive maps or timelines from data collected from cell phones, news reports and the web.
- This website provides a clear explanation on how to make histograms and bar charts includng a nine minute video and exercises to test your understanding. Excerpt
- This case study describes how The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF) used
- This presentation from the Strengthening ICTD Research Capacity in Asia (SIRCA) program provides an overview of how UFE was used in their programme. It was presented at the Evaluation Conclave 2010, New Delhi, India
- This guide from the UK based Plain English Campaign, provides an introduction and tips for writing in plain English.
- This slide show provides an overview of this option and lists the advantages and disadvantages of its use. There are also a number of examples of covariance and linear regression equations.
- This webpage, from the Queensland Department of Education, provides an overview of the annual review process.
- This progress report from Oxfam GB, is a detailed example of the format an interim report may take.
- This paper, written by Emmanuel Letouzé for United Nations Global Pulse, seeks to answer many of teh questions relevant to the use of big data in international development evaluations.&n
- The influence matrix assists participants to examine the impact or outcome of changes in their community and examine the causes for change.
- This blog from John Quarto-vonTivadar is the first part of a two part series which examines many of the problems encountered when using metrics in e
- This guide from the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension provides an overview of a variety of sources and methods that can be used for collecting data in an evaluation.
- This paper from the North Australia Research Unit (NARU) of the Australian National University (ANU) analyses the ethical considerations of evalu
- This paper from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) outlines the principals on ethical practice in research and evaluation that must be adhered to on all projects funded by
- This primer, written by Eva Canoutas, Lauren Hart and Trinity Zan for FHI360, outlines eight strategies that can be used to facilitate the use of research evidence in development practice.
- This manual from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is aimed at providing program staff and grantees examples of tangible metrics that can be used in the plannin
- This guide, written by Professor Frank Vanclay of the Department of Cultural Geography, University of Groningen, provides notes
- This paper from the Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy uses a range of examples to highlight the feasibility of conducting high quality randomised control trial (RCT) at a low cost.
- This Terms of Reference from the Victorian Department of Health in Australia provides an example of the role, function and protocols of an Evaluation Advisory Group.
- This video lecture from Michael Quinn Patton for My M&E focuses on evaluating interventions in complex dynamic environments by matching the evaluation process and design to the nature of the si
- This guide from DANIDA aims to provide detailed assistance and guidelines for staff undertaking evaluations for the Danish Development Cooperation.
- This website is aimed at supporting and providing network opportunities for those practicing appreciative inquiry (AI) in Australia.
- This tool reproduces your images under various forms of colorblindness so you can better determine if your reporting will be readable to those who are colorblind.
- This presentation, given by Alexey Kuzmin at the AEA 2012 conference, outlines common problems with program logic models and provides suggestions on how to fix them during the evaluation.
- This background paper from Barbara Befani is an appendix from the UK Government's Department for International Development's working paper
- This software is designed to be used as a digital mind mapping tool in which ideas and thoughts can be interconnected and linked to any digital files that are stored on your computer or the web.TheBrain allows you to:
- This paper from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) analyses the various approaches that are available for small n impact evaluations.
- This is Chapter 1 of the book An Introduction to Systematic Reviews.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB.
- This manual from inProgress (archived link) aims to support non profit organisations to effectively monitor their programs.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB.
- This guide, which is a part of the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) Potent Presentations Initiative, outlines the advice of twelve of AEA's best presenters who share the
- This guide, which is a part of the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) Potent Presentations Initiative, outlines the advice of twelve of AEA's best presenters who share the
- This webpage provides a guide to using Microsoft's Accessibility Checker in order to ensure Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents are accessible to those with disabilities.
- This webpage, developed by Rick Davies for Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS, provides a synthesis and links to 104 items of literature related to evaluability assessment.
- This blog post from Jane Gothberg of the American Evaluation Association outlines a range of tips and resources that will support the development of readable, navigable, and understandable pre
- This blog post from 21st Century Educational Technology and Learning outlines 12 tips for using Wordle in the
- This curated website has links to a range of different resources on themes such as hosting meetings, appreciative enquiry, participatory leadership, action learning, open space technology, mind mapping etc
- Inflow 3.1 is a software package that allows you to analyse network data and create visualisations of the results.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) describes the rationale behind future conferencing and outlines a common approach to creating a successful agenda for implementation.
- This webpage from The World Bank Institute looks at the impact of citizen engagement on development outcomes.
- This article, written by James Mahoney and published in Sociological Methods and Research, analyses the use of process tracing as a methodology for testing hypotheses in the soc
- This paper provides a detailed analysis of qualitative evaluation design as an option in impact analysis.
- This website provides a tutorial on using and reading scatter plots and includes an oppotunity to test what you have learnt at the conclusion of the lesson.
- This Final Technical Report for the Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICTD (DECI) programme provides a final evaluation of the activities, outputs, outcomes and recommendations from t
- PhotoVoice is an organisation which uses participatory photography to engage disadvantaged and marginalised communities by allowing them to represent themselves as they see themselves through photography and digital story telling options.
- This background note from Overseas Development Institute (ODI), gives an overview of Outcome Mapping (OM) which can be used as an approach to planning, monitoring, and evaluating social change initiative
- This overview from Laerd Dissertation provides an outline of using convenience sampling and provides an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of using this option.
- This randomized control trial (RCT) from The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) examined multiple treatments in order to address low literacy levels of children.
- This evaluation report from LIRNEasia is for the Communications Policy Research South (CPRsouth) project which was aimed at building the capacity of yo
- This article provides some important advice and tips for creating engaging and unique PowerPoint presentations
- This blog from Oxfam Australia provides a clear example of the use and construction of a blog.
- "Using Flip Charts is designed to help you get the most out of that ubiquitous meeting room item – the humble flip chart.
- This blog post from Linda Raftree outlines the discussions held at a Technology Salon on the use of ICT in monitoring and evaluation of development outcomes with a particular focus on social monitoring and accountability.
- This webpage from Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) provides links to five learning modules which outline the basics of Utilization-Focussed evaluation plus two extra modules which are focused on ICT4D issues.
- This blog post from freshspectrum argues that webinars as they are currently used are 'overrated' and therefore it outlines four alternatives that may be used in place of standard webinar present
- This blog from Ted Curran provides a detailed guide and examples of how to use screenshots to make it easier for people to see what you are talking about.
- Gapminder uses Trendanalyzer software to analyse statistical times series data to produce animated and interactive graphics. Excerpt "Gapminder works on:
- This first chapter of Janet Salmons' book, Cases in Online Interview Research, provides guidance to designing and conducting online interviews for research.
- This web page provides links to a variety of presentation tools that are available on the world wide web.Contents Tools are listed under the following headings:
- This blog post by Robert Mundigl for Clearly and Simply provides detailed guidance on producing choropleth maps using Excel.
- This paper from Wilder Research provides advice and a step-by-step process fro creating logic models.
- This paper from Wilder Research outlines the benefits of using logic models in program evaluation.
- This lecture, given by Michael Bamberger for the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) examines the unanticipated consequences of development interventions which
- This online tool allows users to create colour schemes for maps and other graphics in order to show data that is readily readable.
- This blog post from the Center For Ethical Leadership outlines the process for asking compelling questions that promote learning and leadership by defining what the question really means
- This blog post from Nancy Duarte of the HBR Blog Network presents five clear tips for ensuring your presentation to senior executives is both engaging and garners their support.
- This second guidance note from InterAction on Impact Evaluation, outlines the relationship between regular monitoring and evaluation and impact evaluation with particular reference to how M & E activities can support meaningfu
- This paper from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) outlines the process for conducting a RAPID Outcomes Assessment.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB.
- This paper from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) uses four impact evaluation case studies from Columbia to benchmark each evaluation against 11 standards of quality.
- This paper, written by Jo Rycroft-Malone, Brendan McCormack, Alison M Hutchinson, Kara DeCorby, Tracey K Bucknall,Bridie Kent, Alyce Schultz, Erna Snelgrove-Clarke, Cheryl B Stetler, Marita Titler, Lars Wallin and Val Wilson describes
- This guide, which is a part of the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) Potent Presentations Initiative, outlines the advice of twelve of AEA's best presenters who share their tips and secrets on delive
- This video is a recording of a lecture and workshop presented by Dr. Michael Quinn Patton at the Simon Fraser University.
- This guide, which is a part of the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) Potent Presentations Initiative, outlines the advice of twelve of AEA's best presenters who share the
- This checklist from the American Evaluation Association's Potent Presentations Initiative provides a set of guidelines for preparing a presentation.
- This interactive library from the
- This web page from the European Commission (EC) sets out an intervention logic and a set of example indicators covering the outcome and impact levels for different sectors of EC inter
- This manual, developed by Michelle Carnegie, Claire Rowland, Katherine Gibson, Katharine McKinnon, Jo Crawford and Claire Slatter, provides a range of tools that can be used to collect information about gender equality and economy in M
- This paper from Innovations for Scaling Impact and Keystone Accountability analyses the field of network monitoring in order to identify b
- This report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) uses a range of indicators to monitor support for agriculture in OECD member countries.
- This article describes the development and use of a new impact monitoring, evaluation and assessment approach for agriculture called impact pathway evaluation.
- Netdraw is a free Windows based program that can be used for visualizing social network data.
- This research report, authored by Hallie Preskill and Tanya Beer for FSG, describes how common evaluation approaches can constrain innovative practice and then provides guidance on a new evaluation app
- This report, commissioned by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and authored by Isabel Voge, reviews how theo
- In this video of a session from the Nonprofit Technology Conference 2012, approaches to the use of data and informational visualization are demonstrated and discussed.
- This article form Qualitative Research provides an analysis and review of papers systematic and transparent approaches to qualitative evidence synthesis form 2005 - 2008.
- A free online mapping service, Google Fusion Tables offers an easy-to-use, highly customisable tool for visualising table data in map form and posting maps online.
- This web page from The Open University presents a detailed guide to creating pie charts in an easy to understand tutorial format which includes examples and activities.
- This article, written by Ray Pawson and Ana Manzano-Santaella analyses recent realist evaluations in order to highlight potential weaknesses and how these may be overcome and in doing so clarify its key strategies and purpose
- Social Value UK (formerly SROI Network) "is the professional body for social value and impact management.
- This blog by Dana Harley provides some 'hot tips' and 'rad resources' for using PhotoVoice with children and adolescents.
- This web page provides a table which demonstrates the various differences between parametric and non-parametric tests.
- This archive from the Utilisation-focused evaluation (UFE) of ICTs for Development provides all the resources from the event incuding documents, feedback and projects.
- This blog entry provides a good overview of keypad technology and also provides links to some experts in this field.
- This blog post from Sarah Plachta Elliott describes how a System of Supports and Opportunities was used by Brandeis University’s Center for Youth and Communities in six neighborhoods&nbs
- This webpage from WikiHow outlines a step by step process for writing effective press releases.
- This blog post from Susan Kistler of the American Evaluation association (AEA) provides links to a series of webinars on different aspects of international monitoring and evaluation that were run a
- This webpage from The European Community of Practice on Gender Mainstreaming (Gender-CoP) provides details, including copies of all presentations, from the Conference on Evaluation
- This PowerPoint presentation gives a detailed overview of this approach including a range of tools that can be used to gather data.
- This website, produced by the National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) provides a variety of valuable resources on text mining. These include a range of tools, tutorials and publications
- This guide provides an overview of installing and using NVivo and the steps involved with beginning a new project.
- This short blog describes how post cards were used to conduct an evaluation of a conference.
- This blog by Nancy White from Full Circle Associates argues that videoconferences need to be interactive and purposeful.She provides four areas to to help improve synchronous online meetings:
- This toolkit from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluations (3ie) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is designed to support evaluators and rese
- This blog from Karen Anderson provides tips and advice on making PowerPoint slide titles that are engaging and attractive to your key stakeholders.Contents Powerpoint Slide Title Guidelines
- This tutorial, from Microsoft, demonstrates how to create bar charts using Microsoft Excel.
- This website provides a number of tips and tricks to help you create an engaging PowerPoint presentaion.The site also includes links to free downloadable guides that provide support in presenting to audiences.
- This paper, written by Dr Gill Westhorp, Bill Walker and Professor Patricia Rogers for University of London EPPI-Centre, provides a protocol for a realist synthesis on community
- This blog reviews the presentation software 'Prezi' as a tool which can be used as a substitute for PowerPoint.
- This report assesses data collected from five South African provinces to analyse the effectiveness of the Child Support Grant (CSG) which is an important instrument of social protection in South Africa.
- "The World Cafe is a natural & effective way to host meaningful conversations that awaken collective wisdom & engage collaborative action." (Lenzo, 2012)
- This webpage provides basic instructions on doing cross tabulations effectively.
- This web page from Evaluation Trust gives a clear overview of observation as an evaluation tool and includes tips on how it can be used effectively.
- This presentation from Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) outlines the objectives of the project and their use of
- This article, written by Tim Clement and Christine Bigby, looks at the use and development of program theory in human service organisations.
- This overview from the American Evaluation Association's AEA 365 blog page, provides an overview of using waitlist control groups.
- This blog post highlights many of the issues that cause presentations to lose focus and suggests some tips for improvement.
- This guide, developed by Gerison Lansdown for Save the Children, outlines a framework for measuring the creation of a participatory environment for children, and then,
- These Utilization-Focused Evaluation (UFE) modules are modified versions of the Utilization-Focused Evaluation simplified step-by-step modules that were developed for the SLEVA conference in 2011.
- This evaluation report provides the findings of the capacity-building project to investigate Mongolia's policy and innovation in the sector of ICT and its socio-economic impact.
- This guide from the UK Department of International Development (DFID) aims to help project managers/evaluators make the best use of logical framework (logframe) in designing and managing projects.
- This clear and concise guide from Purdue University outlines the process for creating memos. Contents Audience and Purpose Parts of a memo Format Sample memo
- This handbook from the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) is designed to support research institutions develop mon
- This report from the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) examines the results of a range of impact evaluations of agricultural projects from around the world in order to gain an
- This article from Health Promotion Practice provides an overview and guide to objective priority setting using predetermined criteria, standardized comparisons, and a rubric that minimizes bia
- This checklist, created by Goldie MacDonald for The Evaluation Center, provides a set of criteria that can be used for identifying and selecting indicators for evaluation in collaboration with stakeholders.
- This blog post from Benita Williams focuses on how our perspectives as an evaluator are heavily influenced by the values that we bring with us.
- This Expression of Interest (EOI) from Actionaid Nigeria clearly demonstrates the structure and function of writing an EOI&nbs
- This 'How to Note' from the UK Government's Department for International Development (DfID) is designed to support staff to use their scoring system and latest templates when completing Annual Revi
- In this blog post, Barry Hurd proposes and answers a number of questions on the use of social media dashboard tools.
- Dana Harley, (2011) in her dissertation, describes how PhotoVoice was used to explore the feelings of "hope and hopelessness among poor African American adolescents".
- This blog, written specifically for the development sector, discusses some of the issues of using social media in a development context.
- This is Part 2 of a three part series of video lectures conducted by USAID on complexity.
- ¿Cómo pueden las organizaciones contrapartes de MISEREOR integrar a las personas con quienes trabajan, en el monitoreo y la evaluación de un proyecto?
- Webninar del 11 de abril de 2011. Explica los conceptos de insumos, productos, alcances e impactos diferenciando entre situaciones simples y complejas. Bosqueja las implicaciones para el Mapeo de Alcances.
- This article from the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation is an introduction to the special edition focusing on the evaluation of complex interventions.
- This paper, written by Andreas Neef and Dieter Neubert, proposes a new framework for participatory agricultural research.
- This document from the the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID) is the Terms of Reference for an evaluation of the policy dialogue that takes place between partner countrie
- This background note from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) provides a detailed discussion of networks, including a broad definition and a description of their purpose and use.
- This guide describes how Young Lives, an international study of childhood poverty, used Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) in place of paper based questionnaires.
- This book from Jonathan A. Morell provides insight into the many unexpected events which may arise during an evaluation and proposes a framework in order to deal with them.
- This resource is designed to guide and support organisations who advocate for the rights of marginalsied people on the use of PhotoVoice to develop effective advocacy campaigns.
- This slide show from a presentation given at the American Evaluation Association conference in 2011 by Johanna Morariu and Veena Pankaj looks at data and information visualisation and how it
- This blog, by Sherry Boyce, provides a number of tips and tricks to support the use of photos in evaluation reports.
- This article from Participatory Learning and Action describes the use of digital storytelling (DST) in development and how it is used to draw out stories and engage storytellers in the evaluation p
- This blog post by Patricia Rogers looks at some of the risks of using choropleth maps.
- This paper, written by Veena Pankaj, Myia Welsh, and Laura Ostenso for the Innovation Network uses the case studies of three organisations that have used participatory analysis to ex
- This guide, written by Lisa A. Guion, David C. Diehl, and Debra McDonald for the University of Florida, looks at strategies and techniques for conducting in-depth interviews.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB.
- This paper, written by Karl Hughes and Claire Hutchings for the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), looks at Oxfam GB's practice of annual random selection of projects
- This paper from Ruud de Moor Centrum outlines a conceptual framework for evaluating the value created by social and community learning networks.
- This article by Jacob Harris for NiemanLab provides a careful consideration of the argument against word clouds.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides a detailed discussion of the benefits of using learning histories to understand the learning and change taking place in an organisation.
- This webpage from the Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance (GITTA) looks at he process of classifying data in relation to mapping and cartography.
- This guide, authored by E Craig for Usable Knowledge outlines the six critical skills and qualities that an evaluation consultant requires to be effective as an evaluator.
- This book from the World Bank provides a detailed introduction to impact evaluations in the development field. It also provides several tools and approaches for conducting impact evaluations.
- This report aims to provide a picture of the impact of climate change resulting from the emissions of greenhouse gasses. In preparing the report, the authors took the following into consideration:
- This article from Joanna Wheeler of the Institute of Development Studies outlines the uses of participatory video as a means to understand and reflect the lives and perspectives of the participants o
- This tutorial from Flowing Data, provides a detailed guide on creating bubble charts using the software provided.
- This guidebook from the UNDP is aimed at providing support for the design and implementation of gender sensitive community based adaptation programs.
- This guide, written by Lucy Gibson for the National Centre for Research Methods at the University of Manchester, looks at the use of email interviews in a qualitative, mixed method study.
- These Utilization-Focused Evaluation (UFE) modules were developed by the Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICTD (DECI) project to provide a more simplified approach to u
- This guide, written by Cristina Mansfield for Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), presents a set of simple guidelines that can be used for evaluating advocacy initiatives.
- This toolkit from CARE was developed to support project teams complete the project cycle in community-based adaptation projects.
- This literature review, written by Cristina Mansfield for the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), examines current thinking in the evaluation of advocacy.
- This presentation outlines the types of adaptation challenges, levels of intervention and the options used for evaluating adaptation responses based on the challenge addressed.
- This report, written by Reychler, Scharbatke-Church and Thomas with support by Clegg and Heilman for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), evaluates the effective
- This website from the Victorian Government's Department of Sustainability and Environment outlines a step-by-step process for developing evaluation plans.
- This tool from the Catholic Aid Agency for England and Wales (CAFOD) is aimed at supporting groups evaluate their capacity to conduct advocacy programs and improve their performance.
- Paletton (formerly Color Scheme Designer) is an application which enables you to design a colour scheme for your documents and presentation and then check it against an accessibility tool to ensure your colour scheme is accessible for those
- This article from Development in Practice analyses Oxfam GB's attempts to monitor and evaluate a global advocacy campai
- The book, authored by Bob Williams and Richard Hummelbrunner, is focused on the practical use of systems ideas.
- This mid-term evaluation report from USAID, provides an overview and analysis of its Kenya Civil Society Strengthening Program (KCSSP) which aims to strengthen the capacity of CSO's in a number of key are
- This guide, written by Sharon D’Onofrio for the SEEP Network, provides support for microfinance associations to build capacity and become advocates for the sector.
- A scatter-plot matrix allows the organisation of different scatter-plots with similar variables into a matrix which can then be used to to look at all pairwise correlations in one place.
- This guide, written by Andrew Clark and Nick Emmel for the National Centre for Research Methods at the University of Manchester, looks at the use of walking interviews in outdoor urban environments.
- This online course from the Global Health Learning Centre is designed to help learners understand what data quality is, why it is important, and what programs can do to improve it
- This paper, written by Michael Bamberger for the World Bank, analyses why baseline studies are not always conducted and then outlines strategies that can be used to reconstruct baseline data lat
- This website from the Positive Deviance Initiative (PDI) offers a comprehensive collection of PD resources including case studies, guides, projects and examples.
- This paper from the Journal of Economic Literature outlines the main principles and uses of Regression Discontinuity (RD) designs in research.
- This slide show highlights the different elements of social learning with a specific focus on social media, in particular twitter.
- This slide show from the Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) project outlines the lessons that were learned from the first year of the program.
- This paper, written by Julian F. Gonsalves and Ric Armonia, provides guidance on using writeshops to share field experiences.
- This paper, written by T. R. Kratochwill, J. Hitchcock, R. H. Horner, J. R. Levin, S. L. Odom, D. M. Rindskopf and W. R.
- This guide, written by Annie Irvine for the National Centre for Research Methods at the University of Manchester examines the use of telephone interviews for research purposes.
- This YouTube video provides a brief tutorial (4:15) on creating histograms in Excel 2010
- This document outlines a set of competencies that evaluators should possess before conducting evaluations.
- This guide from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) aims to support the design of impact evaluations for agricultural projects that directly target farmers
- This toolkit from Realities aims to support staff who lead or work on mixed options research projects to prepare for, design and carry out their projects.
- This guide, written by Susan Allen Nan with Mary Mulvihill for USAID, provides a detailed discussion of the use of theories of change in conflict mitigation focusing on the role they can play in impr
- This website, from Stanford University, provides links to a variety of extensions, scripts and utilities for GIS software.
- This book provides "a comprehensive overview of steps in designing and evaluating programs amid uncertain and potentially confounding conditions.
- This paper from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) analyses several climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives and concludes that if funds continue to be spent on
- This paper, written by Katya Fels Smyth and Lisbeth B. Schorr, examines the use of experimental–design study as the standard for determining of invested dollars in programs are generating the desired results.
- This guide, from Dr Alice Roughley of the Australian Government Land and Coasts (AGLC), outlines a step-by-step process for developing program logic in the context of natural resource management (NRM).
- This paper from USAID provides guidance for ensuring good data quality as a central part of establishing effective management systems.
- This guide from USAID, demonstrates how a cost benefit analysis tool was designed by Opportunity International in order to compare and evaluate microfinance deliv
- This web page from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat provides an outline of some of the key concepts of theory-based approaches to evaluation.
- This tool from UNAIDS has been developed to support the implementation of an assessment of the national HIV monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.
- Section 9 of this toolkit from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) provides guidance on the use of SWOT analysis to find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a project or plan.
- This handbook provides a detailed guide to CARE's Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Methodology including the concepts, process, analysis, and tools that can be used for evaluation.
- This guide, written by Hazel Burke for the National Centre for Research Methods at the University of Manchester, looks at the ethical considerations of research beyond the approval form.
- This slide show comes from a presentation given by Linda Morra Imas and Oumoul Ba-Tall provides an overview of the development of evaluator competencies by the International Development Evaluati
- This report form the World Bank is the primary output from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's analysis of climate change impact and adaptation in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region.
- This literature review from the DECI project provides an overview of the literature available in the area of developing evaluation capacity in ICTD with the express purpose of pr
- This report focuses on evaluating the impact of large scale nutrition intervention programs.
- These evaluation guidelines from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) were designed to support staff to conduct evaluations whilst being guided by the princ
- These guidelines from UNAIDS are aimed at supporting the preparation and implementation of an assessment of the national HIV monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.
- This book form the World Bank provides a range of tools which allow the user to measure, describe, monitor, evaluate, and analyze poverty.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process for using the six thinking hats techniques as a way to look at problems from a variety of different viewpoints.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides advice and tips on writing blogs in order to get a clear and concise message across.
- This slide show is from a presentation given by Professor Patricia Rogers, Dr.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides an outline of the process of using feedback to assess the effectiveness of capacity development.
- This web page from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat provides answers to eight frequently asked questions about their 2009 Policy on Evaluation.
- This handbook from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was developed to support staff to implement successful planning, monitoring and evaluation systems.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the rationale and process for creating effective questions.
- This paper analyses regression discontinuity designs which can be used for the evaluation of development interventions. The specific focus of the investigation is the choice of the smoothing parameter that is used.
- This guide from CARE Ethiopia is designed to assist staff develop Terms of Reference for evaluations. Contents Background
- This guide describes the qualitative data analysis process, including sections on planning, analyzing, and advantages and disadvantages of this data.
- This report, written by Bertha Briceño and Marie M.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides a range of tips and advice for ensuring presentations are clear and concise and effectively get their message across.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process of using the Five Whys technique as an effective approach to problem solving.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) focuses on the role of social networks and how analysis of these networks can benefit the groups and organisations within them.
- This web page from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat outlines a standard for all evaluations taking place by Canadian Government agencies.
- This paper, written by Marcel P. J .M.
- This study from the World Bank Development Research Group analyzes the impact of a scholarship program, the Cambodia Education Sector Support Program (CES
- In this short video, Michael Quinn Patton discusses the relationship between developmental evaluation and the research and development process.
- Written by Marty Weintraub for the marketing and advertising blog, this guide offers a detailed, step-by-step overview of creating a reputational monitoring dashboard using the fre
- This blog, from Susan Kristler of the American Evaluation Association, describes the advantages of using Tagxedo over Wordle to present evaluation findings.
- This guide from the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) is aimed at providing support to staff in the creation of Terms of Reference for evaluation.
- This guide from CARE Sierra Leone provides an outline of how Terms of Reference should be developed for CARE evaluation projects.
- This guide, written by Pamela J. Cox, Dana Keener, Tifanee L. Woodard, & Abraham H.
- This paper from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) examines how institutionalised impact evaluation for social programs has led to better-informed policy.
- These guidelines from the Office of the Director of U.S.
- This tool, developed by UNAIDS, is an Excel workbook version of the assessment tool including dashboards for displaying the assessment results and the actions planned.
- This webpage from De Bono Consulting provides an overview of the six thinking hats and includes a range of free resources including guides and videos.
- This resource provides stakeholders and development workers with a toolbox of resources which aim to improve community participation in development projects.
- This set of guidelines from UNICEF was developed to support staff working on HIV and AIDS targeted Internvention (HATI) projects with monitoring and evaluation.
- This guide from the University of Wisconsin-Extension provides a range of activities that introduce the reader to creating and using logic models.
- This paper is an overview of a workshop from the Australian Evaluation Society (AES) conference in Perth, 2008 in which the options for using photography and drawn images to gather and communicate evaluatio
- This blog post by Darren Rowse for Digital Photography School provides detailed guidance on geotagging images.
- This toolkit from UNICEF Egypt Country Office was developed to support staff in the evaluation process in order to improve the quality of evaluation reports and ensure the application of policy and
- This template, from Chris Guillebeau's (2008) How to Conduct an Annual Review is an excellent tool for providing a clear and concise structu
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) focuses on the use of after action reviews to discuss successes and failures of a project in order to identify how accomplishments can be sustained
- This paper from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) outlines a framework for Gender Mainstreaming on IFAD projects.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the rationale for using plain English and describes a number of strategies that can be used to ensure documents are written clearly and concise
- This article by Patricia J Rogers highlights the way program theory can be used in order to evaluate complicated or complex elements of programs.
- This user guide from Homeless Link provides an overview of using the Outcomes Star to allow vulnerable people to track the changes taking place to them in a number of key support areas.
- This institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) brief number 17 provides an overview of using Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis (PIPA) on projects involving the water and food sectors.
- In a simple randomized control trial (RCT) by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), a large Indian microfinance institution, Spandana, identified 104 low-income neighborhoods
- In this study, propensity score matching is used to assess the impact of micro-finance loans on reducing poverty when they are used for productive means.
- These guidelines from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) were designed to ensure ethical practice takes place in evaluations involving all UN agencies.
- This overview from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provides a definition and outline of the reasons for using the confirming and disconfirming option.
- This web page from Community Matters provides a brief introduction to realist evaluation along with the a chapter by Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley that provides discussion of the basic concepts , strategies and methods of realis
- In this presentation, Tom Cook and Michael Scriven for The Evaluation Center, discuss the latest methodological developments in using randomised-control trials in educational and other&n
- This tool kit, developed by Save the Children Norway, provides a range of methods and tools that can be used by groups that work with children to encourage participation in research and evaluation.
- This webpage from Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP) provides an outline of the main ideas and processes involved in community scopi
- This presentation gives advice on how to construct and present engaging PowerPoint presentations.The premise behind this presentation is that PowerPoint presentations contain too many bullets and are too wordy.
- This webpage outlines a clear and easy to understand process for conducting annual reviews.
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the rationale behind outcome mapping and provides a detailed discussion of the stages and benefits of using this approach.
- This chapter, written by Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Gisèle De Meur, Benoît Rihoux and Charles C. Ragin, provides guidance Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an approach.
- This guide from the Victorian Government Department of Human Services aims to assist in the design and implementation of impact evaluation methods and indicators for health care pr
- This guide, written by Nick Emmel for the National Centre for Research Methods at the University of Manchester, looks at the use of participatory social mapping to gain knowledge, und
- This short YouTube video clealry explains the process for doing cross tabulations.
- In this study, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) used an encouragement randomized control trial (RCT) in order to gauge the effectiveness of a scheme to provide
- This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process of using appreciative inquiry in order to discover the strengths and facilitate positive change of an organisation.
- This guide from the Nottinghamshire County Council outlines a detailed step-by-step process for running focus groups in a consultative process.
- This toolkit, written by Dr.
- This paper, written by Stephen Few of Perceptual Edge, presents a range of arguments on why you should not use pie charts.
- This paper, written by M. J. Spilsbury, C. Perch, S. Norgbey, G.
- This handbook, written by Jane Reisman, Anne Gienapp and Sarah Stachowiak for the Annie E.
- This guide, from the EPPI-Centre, looks at the processes involved when conducting Systematic Reviews. Covering the key steps involved, the guide focuses on four&nb
- The guide provides an overview of Social Network Analysis, an example of maps that can be developed from this type of analysis and key focus questions for SNA.
- This website contains both the software and codes for supporting the use of Regression Discontinuity Design.
- This World Bank volume offers detailed guidance on the use of Small Area Estimation poverty maps in research and policy making. Information, guidance and tools are organised around the following broad themes:
- This report from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) analyses the incidence of poverty across Uganda between 1992 and 2002 to provide a picture of the changes that have taken p
- This chapter from Gibbs' (2007) Analyzing Qualitative Data, clearly describes the different options of using computers to assist with qualitative analysis and provides examples of the different types of software available to complete this t
- This short video provides a clear picture as to why blogs are powerful ways for every person to share news and information.
- This paper aims to present a single number which summarises different climatic conditions and is developed through an aggregated Climate Change Index (CCI).
- This report describes how GIS was used to support disaster recovery in Aceh after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
- These guidelines from the Global Environment Facility were developed to ensure ethical considerations were adopted in the case of conflict of interest situations and that the rights of stak
Designing initiative evaluation: A systems-orientated framework for evaluating social change efforts
This guide from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation outlines a systems-oriented framework for initiative and cluster evaluation and includes four general designs that can be used.- This web page from Learn Higher provides links to a variety of resources on Image-based research.
- This guide, written by Louisa Gosling and David Cohen for the International Save the Children Alliance, is designed to support organisations to run training workshops that will enable them
- This guide from Primary Health Care Research & Information Service provides advice and tips on taking quality photos that can be used for publication.
- This guide, written by Jane Reisman, Anne Gienapp and Sarah Stachowiak for the Annie E.
- This paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) provides an outline of some of the practical issues around the implementation of Regression Discontinuity (RD) designs whilst reviewing some
- This report from the Rathenau Instituut provides an overview of the process and materials available for ensuring a better understanding of evaluating research in context.
- This module from the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) outlines the organisational and planning process involved in evaluations of development projects and programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of youth mentoring programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Affordable Housing Programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of advocacy programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of youth tutoring programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Prisoner Re-entry Programs.
- This paper from the Urban Institute provides basic, generic outcomes and performance indicators that are easily adaptable for any program.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Employment Training/Workforce Development Programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Emergency Shelter Programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Health Risk Reduction Programs.
- In this paper, Canning, Mahal, Odumosu and Okonkwo (2006) use propensity score matching to assess the affect of HIV/AIDS on an individual's ability to access health care in Nigeria.
- This guide from the Urban Institute outlines core indicators for 14 categories of not for profit organisations and then provides a common framework that can be used by all nonprofit programmes.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of assisted living programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Community Organizing Programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Performing Arts Programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Transitional Housing Programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of adult education and family literacy programs.
- This set of outcome indicators, developed by the Urban Institute, is aimed at supporting the development, monitoring and evaluation of Business Assistance Programs.
- This guide, written by Grazyna Bonati for Plan Togo, provides guidance on including children in the monitoring and evaluation of development programs.
- This module from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) demonstrates a range of ways to measure inequality by using the statistical concepts of location, shape and var
- This PowerPoint presentation by Hallie Preskill, gives an overview of communicating and reporting and provides examples of some of the tools that can be used to facilitate the process.
- This entry from the Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods provides a detailed overview of purposive sampli
- This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC), describes the reasoning and methods for producing Institutional Histories (IH).
- This paper, written by James Mahoney and Gary Goertz, contrasts the quantitative and quantitative research traditions against 10 areas in order to dispel some of the misunderstandings that have arisen between them The ten areas are com
- This paper from the World Bank Institute outlines a variety of qualitative analysis methods and tools that can be used in social capital research.
- This webpage, from the Research Methods Knowledge Base, focuses on the use of surveys in social research.
- This report, from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), outlines the findings of an evaluation of gender mainstreaming in the UNDP in 2005.
- In this evaluation, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) worked with an anonymous microfinance lender to identify 787 rejected loan applicants who had been deemed “p
- This guide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides an overview and examples of best practice and activities for using lessons learned.
- This paper from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat outlines the professional standards expected of the evaluation community in Canada's Public Service with a parti
- This handbook from InsightShare provides a detailed account of the purposes and processes involved in running participatory video projects.
- This template from Charities Evaluation Services allows the user to develop an evaluation framework for program monitoring and evaluation. It also includes a completed example for a family centre.
- This paper from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) was designed to support those involved in participatory research and development projects with monitoring and evaluation strat
- This webpage from LabWrite Resources, provides a short tutorial for creating bar graphs and histograms with Microsoft Excel.
- This entry from Sage's Encyclopedia of Evaluation, describes the ideas and options behind using cartoons for evaluation.
- This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) outlines the purpose and the steps involved in creating an Institutional History.
- This website gives excellent examples of how to create line graphs and scatter plots.
- In this video, Dr Robert Chambers outlines both the benefits and dangers of using Participatory GIS (PGIS) in development evaluation. Some of the key points he raises are:
- This paper, written by Julia Balogun and Gerry Johnson, outlines a longitudinal, real-time analysis of planned change implementation to provide an explanation for the unintended results that come about from evaluation strategies.
- This set of standards and norms, developed by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), are designed to increase the professionalisation of evaluation and provide guidance on the 
- This guide from LabWrite Resources provides detailed guidance on creating bar graphs and histograms using Excel.
- This website from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) provides a range of resources including papers on capacity building, and the coordination and evaluation of n
- This guide from the UK Department for International Development (DfID) outlines a comprehensive step by step process for the design, management and reporting of an evaluation.
- Les questions ci-dessous sont présentées à titre indicatif. Beaucoup d'entre elles sont dérivées des derniers travaux d'évaluation pays conduits par l'Unité d'évaluation.
- This is the abstract of a report (in Portuguese) which describes the use of chat rooms by focus groups in the evaluation of virtual libraries.
- This webpage from BMJ Careers provides an overview of the mentoring process and outlines tips for selecting a mentor.
- This special edition of New Directions for Evaluation from the American Evaluation Association (AEA) provides nine articles on social network analysis in program evaluation.
- This paper analyses the Head Start program which was established to support poor families with health and education services.
- This document, from USAID, provides recommendations for the development and implementation of performance and outcome indicators to measure state performance to correspond to USAID's Fragile States Strategy.
- The checklist provides a set of issues one needs to consider while planning, undertaking and reporting an evaluation and covers the requirements seen in typical requests for evaluation proposals.
- This paper, written by Henk van den Berg, analyses 25 impact evaluations of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs based on the Farmer Field School approach.
- This guide, written by Ray Pawson, Trisha Greenhalgh, Gill Harvey and Kieran Walshe for the ESRC Research Methods Programme, provides an introduction to using realist synthesi
- This book written by Alan Buckingham and Peter Saunders provides detailed guidance on the use of quantitative research methods from the initial planning phase through to carrying out the fieldwork and ana
- This paper from the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER) uses a Regression Discontinuity approach to analyse the effects of transfer programs on labor market outcomes and living arrangements.
- This paper analyses the effect of the BONOSOL pension on the well-being of elderly Bolivians and finds a range of positive effects of the program on the lives of impoverished households.
- This randomized control trial (RCT) from The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) used rotation design to evaluate the impact of a remedial tutoring program in India.
- These Guidelines from the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) have been developed in order to assist planners, development workers and natural resource managers in stakeholder identification and analysis.
- This guide describes a simple approach to analysing and interpreting qualitative data or content analysis.
- This website offers a self paced online module which examines alcohol and marijuana use case studies to produce descriptive statistics including the mean and standard deviation
- This resource provides a detailed discussion, including examples, of the analysis of covariance. The information contained within this resource is for advanced users only.
- This article from the Milbank Quarterly outlines an organisational framework for knowledge transfer which is aimed at ensuring research on health care is diss
- This guide from the Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center is aimed at providing juvenile justice program managers with a guide to implementing evaluability assessment in order to ensu
- This comment from the American Evaluation Association (AEA) was written in response to a US Department of Education proposed priority for evaluating educational programs using scientifically based methods.
- This guide by Keith F Punch focuses on developing a range of the skills and strategies needed for conducting small-scale quantitative surveys.
- This 2002 edition of New Directions for Evaluation, edited by James M. Herrell and Roger B.
- The Survey Kit provides detailed guidance and advice on developing surveys with specific sections on different methods such as as interviews, focus groups, observational analysis, and content analysis.
- This paper from the Development Planning Unit of University College London raises some key issues related to network evaluation and provides a number of tools that allow the levels and qu
- This paper, written by Sholom Glouberman and Brenda Zimmerman for the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, looks at the health care
- This paper provides an overview of issues related to advocacy and citizen participation, and may serve as a starting point for evaluation of the advocacy efforts of an organisation.
- This guide, written by Sara Gibbs, Gillian Mann and Nicola Mathers, outlines the Child-to-Child (CtC) approach to health and community development that is led by children.
- This evaluation by The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) used random phase-in RCT to evaluate a school de-worming program in Kenya.
- This paper from the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF) outlines the process of 1:3:25 to structure research and evaluation reports.
- This scoping study from ActionAid aims to analyse how a variety of NGO's approach the evaluation of advocacy projects and programs.
- This paper, written by Ximena Mura Alvarez, outlines a strategy to create a Value For Money (VFM) methodology for including environmental issues as part of a VFM audit.
- This paper from the Enterprise Development Impact Assessment Information Service (EDIAIS) analyses the principles and core methods of impact analysis.
- This book, written by Susan Rifkin and Pat Pridmore, examines how professionals can work with beneficiaries in a participatory manner, particularly emphasising partnerships in health and education.
- This workbook, written by Brian Hyndman, Larry Hershfield and Jodi Thesenvitz for the Health Communication Unit (THCU), outlines a four-step approach for developing program theory logic models for health promotion activities.
- This resource is designed to be used with children from 8 to 12 years of age aiming to introduce them to some ideas about evaluation and providing an opportunity for them to practise some of the skills needed for evaluation activities.
- The longitudinal data from 307 mothers was used in this study to evaluate the success of a child abuse prevention program.
- This paper, authored by David Evans and Amanda Killoran, reports on an evaluation of a program designed to test a variety of models aimed at tackling health inequality.
- This example of a press release discusses the release of a voluntary statewide survey about patients’ experiences with inpatient care at Massachusetts hospitals.
- This paper was presented by Dr.
- This code of ethics from the Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) is aimed at promoting ethical evaluation practice, supporting its members and maintaining AES standards.
- This paper from the University of Leipzig sets out to explain the main problems that data cleaning is able to correct and then provides an overview of the solutions that are availabl
- This checklist is designed to help evaluators and clients identify key contractual issues that require agreement before an evaluation can commence.
- This paper analyses ten beneficiary assessments conducted by the World Bank of agricultural extension programs.
- This report from the Australian Government's Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation outlines program evaluation by highlighting case studies of five different methods that can be used to evaluate rural extension programmes.
- This paper reviews the use of beneficiary assessment in several World Bank projects.
- This overview by Michael Quinn Patton and Ricardo A. Millett provides a definition and discussion of how lessons learned can be derived and from what sources.
- This book provides a tested process for organizational self assessment. It includes tools and techniques and formative assessment practices to help organisations evaluate if they are meeting their goals effectively.
- This guide, written by Ellen Taylor-Powell for Cooperative Extension, provides detailed guidance and examples for designing and writing questionnaires.
- This book, edited by Victoria Johnson, Edda Ivan-Smith, Gill Gordon, Pat Pridmore and Patta Scott, covers a range of issues and challenges participatory programs that children and young people may face.
- This book by Jon Prosser explores the use of images in qualitative research.
- This paper, written by Kate Roberts, describes the use of a Coexistive evaluation model to design and implement an evaluation of Landcare Queensland.
- This paper, written by Joanne Abbot and Irene Guijt, reviews a range of approaches for participatory monitoring of the environment.
- This paper focusses on the analysis of current issues in theory driven evlauation as discussed in evaluation practice literature.
- This worksheet from Chapter 5 of the Nation
- This guide, edited by Jo Boyden and Judith Ennew for Save the Children Sweden, provides detailed guidance on conducting participatory field research on the situation of children in societies
- This toolkit from the Australian National University (ANU) provides a range of resources that demonstrate the use of both peer review and self evaluation in order to develop reflective practice in t
- This guide from USAID provides a range of tips and advice on the use of a scope of work.
- This article analyses a process for developing a reasoned response to moral or ethical problems.
- This essay, written by Roger A Hart for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) analyses the research on children in order to demonstrate the benefits of genuine child participation.
- This paper from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) provides a glossary of 231 terms which are commonly used in monitoring and evaluation.
- This study uses propensity score matching to estimate the distribution of net income gains from an Argentinean workfare program.
- This paper from Charities Evaluation Services provides an overview of the process and content needed to create an evaluation brief.
- This online guide from the NSW Family Services Inc (now FAMS), provides a range of ideas and tools to support the evaluation of family support services.
- This website provides a range of 'stock' cartoons on the evaluation theme.
- This website allows you to download a range of newsletter templates for both print and web.
- This webpage provides an overview of cross tabulation along with a number of examples and some quick tips to support its use.
- This template from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is designed to take the user through a step by step process of evaluability assessment.
- This presentation, from Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI), is aimed at developing an understanding of the need for, and utility of, rapid reviews (RR) as a useful knowledge synthesis product
- This paper, written by Dr Kate Roberts for Roberts Research and Evaluation, outlines a Coexistive model of evaluation which aims to ensure the perspectives of all important stakeholders are retained.
- This page outlines a range of questions that can be used to focus conversation using ORID. The page also includes an example of how to use this technique and a template that can be used for its implementation.
- This webpage from Tamarack Community provides links to audio files of an interview between Mark Cabaj and Michael Patton in which they discuss the topic of development evaluation.
- "Writing for the web is unique - it provides an interactive experience for the reader which is very different to traditional print media." (Riches)
- This brochure from Save the Children USA is a good example of a brochure.
- This tool, developed by Bob Williams, is based on the Rand Corporation’s Assumption Based Planning (ABP) method with.
- This checklist from USAID is designed to allow the user to make a decision if and when they should evaluate a given project or program.
- This guide, written by Wendy Kekahio, Brian Lawton, Louis Cicchinelli and Paul R.
- This paper, written by Geoff Wong, Trish Greenhalgh, Gill Westhrop and Ray Pawson for The RAMESES project outlines a set of quality standards for conducting r
- This web page from the Ethnographic Action Research (EAR) Training Handbook provides guidance on using participant observation as a research method.
- Green Media Toolshed is a website that aims to provide tools and training to improve the effectiveness of 'green' messages' to the public from environmental movements"Green Media Toolshed's goals are to:
- This paper from the New Nature of Business (archived link) provides a detailed list of tools that can be used to assess the impact of a busine
- This guide from the Innovation Network Inc. outlines a step by step process for conducting evaluations on advocacy projects.
- This guide, written by Bronwyn Sherriff and Stephen Porter, provides a set of content notes and a PowerPoint presentation that aims to assist facilitators run a program introducing Empowerment Evaluation.
- This guide provides detailed information on how to effectively use The World Cafe. Additional information covers suitable participants, cost / time requirements and appropriate circumstances of use.
- This paper discusses Pact's Organizational Performance Index which is used to analyse organisational change, particularly with regard to performance and the link between capacity development inputs an
- Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) is a program developed by the International Development research Centre (IDRC) to develop capacity in ICDT amongst IDRC partners through a
- This report from the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI) (archived link) outlines four key principles that aim to ensure an ethical and stra
- This introduction to Wildt and Ahtola's (1978) Analysis of Covariance provides a good overview of the theory behind this option.
- This paper, prepared by Peter Craig, Paul Dieppe, Sally Macintyre, Susan Michie, Irwin Nazareth and Mark Petticrew for the Medical Research Council, outlines strategies for the development, implement
- This protocol from Oxfam GB is aimed at supporting the understanding and use of process tracing when evaluating policy influencing interventions.
- This webpage from People and gives an overview of the focus group process including providing a number of case studies demonstrating their use.
- This resource is an overview of STAR (System for Transformation and Results) which is a system developed by Root Change to "produce data signatures for six performance “drivers”, capacities that
- This resources describes how Global Giving developed a system of using storytelling "as a way to measure capacity and performance of organizations in the field." (Lake)
- This paper provides an outline of TCC Group's Advocacy Core Capacity Assessment Tool which is used to gain an understanding of what capacity to build and how to measure it.
- This website describes some of the 'sins' of slide show presentations and provides some useful tips on how to overcome these problems.
- Alan Mountain supports BetterEvaluation while he completes his Masters of International Development at RMIT University.
- To coincide with EvalPartners' e-learning unit on Utilization-Focused Evaluation (UFE), this
- This method compares the total costs of a programme/project with its benefits, using a common metric (most commonly monetary units), which enables you to calculate the net cost or benefit associated with the programme.
- A line graph is commonly used to display change over time as a series of data points connected by straight line segments on two axes.
- Demographic mapping is a way of using GIS (global information system) mapping technology to show data on population characteristics by region or geographic area.
- Postcards can be used to collect information quickly, and they can also be used to provide a short report on evaluation findings (or an update on progress).
- The world café is a methodology for hosting group dialogue which emphasizes the power of simple conversation in considering relevant questions and themes.
- A Scatterplot is used to display the relationship between two quantitative variables plotted along two axes. A series of dots represent the position of observations from the data set.
- A pie chart is a divided circle, in which each slice of the pie represents a part of the whole.
- Word clouds or tag clouds are graphical representations of word frequency that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in a source text.