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Language is a double-edged sword. It can connect people just as it can separate them. It can enable inclusion just as it can disable it. Likewise, speaking in jargon can unite people who understand it and alienate those who don’t.
In the world of evaluation, the traditional style of communication is one filled with jargon and complex terminology. This communication style wouldn’t be a challenge if the only audience we seek to engage are evaluation professionals and experts. But what about audiences who are non-evaluation specialists? How can we convince them of the importance of evaluation if we speak a language they don’t understand?
Evaluation is essential to effective decision-making. It provides the data and evidence we need to create better projects, programs, and policies. Yet, evaluation is not a practice that is easy to sell to our target audiences. How can we communicate with them more effectively?
In this gLOCAL event, we will explore what communication strategies work best to make evaluation more understandable, more engaging, and more inclusive for different audiences and in different cultural contexts.
The panel will be composed of communication specialists working in evaluation and coming from different regions of the world.
The target audience for this event are communication professionals working in institutions and organizations involved in evaluation. The event will be a space for them to share challenges, success stories, and best practices in promoting evaluation.