Save the date: 2-6 June 2025
gLOCAL Evaluation Week is a unique knowledge-sharing event, connecting a global community of people across sectors and regions. Over the course of a week, participants from all over the world join events - in their neighborhood or across the ocean - to learn from each other on a vast number of topics and themes. Allowing participants insight into how their work fits in with regional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) ecosystems and the larger international M&E community, gLOCAL helps to inspire and energize a global movement - individuals and organizations who value the power of evidence to improve people’s lives.
Since 2019, the gLOCAL platform has hosted thousands of events in multiple languages across six continents. It has grown to become one of the largest M&E knowledge-sharing events in the world.
gLOCAL event participants and hosts include international organizations, regional M&E bodies, (sub-) national governmental and non-governmental organizations, decision makers, commissioners, Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs), academics, researchers, and students – who all come together to connect, learn, and collaborate.
gLOCAL is convened and supported by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) - a network of organizations and experts that supports countries with strengthening their monitoring and evaluation systems to help governments gather and use evidence that improves the lives of their citizens. gLOCAL was launched by the Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEARs), a GEI Implementing Partner. The CLEARs continue to play an essential role in gLocal every year, serving as regional focal points and helping to organize gLOCAL events.