Why choose this course?
Do you need help with your MEAL plan? Do you want to refresh your knowledge, learn techniques and approaches, or develop a Log Frame? We will help you and your organisation become more effective by enhancing MEAL practices. Find out how you can advocate for an effective MEAL system so your organisation can become more responsive, strategic, and effective by using information and knowledge for evidence-based decision-making.
We provide MEAL training for international development practitioners to build capacity and increase positive social change. IMA's MEAL course is divided into Part 1 and Part 2. MEAL Part 1 is an essential course to enhance the effectiveness of your projects or programmes. We combine theory, practice, and hands-on learning. Choose to complete Part 1 online or face-to-face. Develop a logical framework for a real project, understand how to work with stakeholders, collect data with participatory methods, manage an evaluation, create a MEAL plan, and learn how all these components work together in our MEAL system.
To advance your MEAL learning, join MEAL Part 2 for alumni-only and at one of our face-to-face locations. Work directly with stakeholders in the field, gather data using participatory methods, and work with a local community. Make meaning from your findings and develop a Theory of Change or mini-evaluation for the community. Learn how to use evaluations and reviews for agile decision-making, how to find and utilise learning opportunities within and outside of the project cycle. Prepare a tailored MEAL plan and identify solutions to manage challenges in your organisation’s MEAL system. Come away from Part 2 with knowledge on how to foster a learning culture, build capacity in your organisation and feel inspired to be a positive MEAL change agent.
What is included in the 10-day MEAL course?
- Live case study: practice data collection at a local organisation
- Forward-thinking plans: develop MEAL plans for organisational learning and positive behaviour change
- Networking: engage in networking and peer-learning with fellow development workers
- Participatory methods: master participatory methods for data collection, and to enrich your MEAL
- Digital innovation: explore innovative digital methods, and how these may change the MEAL landscape
- Personalised mentoring: a follow-up session with our facilitators at least 3 months after completing the course
- Plant a tree: For each participant enrolled on our course, IMA International contributes a tree to our ecology partners
Cost: £3700.
Accreditation: CPD and HPass accredited.
Participants will receive a certificate of completion from IMA, as well as a CPD certificate and an HPass badge.
We primarily work with government ministries, INGOs, NGOs, research institutes, UN agencies and the private sector to develop capacity and create positive behaviour change.
We believe in working with development practitioners worldwide to develop their potential to make a difference to the people they serve.
If you would like to enquire further, please contact post@imainternational.com