
  • Rapid evaluation

    Rapid Evaluation is an approach designed to quickly and systematically conduct an evaluation when time or resources are limited.
  • Beneficiary assessment

    An approach that focuses on assessing the value of an intervention as perceived by the (intended) beneficiaries, thereby aiming to give voice to their priorities and concerns.
  • Case study

    A research design that focuses on understanding a unit (person, site or project) in its context, which can use a combination of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Estudio de caso

    A research design that focuses on understanding a unit (person, site or project) in its context, which can use a combination of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Causal link monitoring

    An approach designed to support ongoing learning and adaptation, which identifies the processes required to achieve desired results, and then observes whether those processes take place, and how.
  • Collaborative outcomes reporting

    An impact evaluation approach based on contribution analysis, with the addition of processes for expert review and community review of evidence and conclusions.
  • Informe de Resultados Colaborativos

    Un enfoque participativo a la evaluación de impacto basado en una historia de desempeño que presenta evidencias de cómo un programa ha contribuido a resultados e impactos, que es luego revisado tanto por expertos técnicos como por los actores involucrados…
  • Contribution analysis

    An impact evaluation approach that iteratively maps available evidence against a theory of change, then identifies and addresses challenges to causal inference.
  • Análisis de contribución

    El análisis de contribución es un enfoque diseñado para evaluar las preguntas causales e inferir la causalidad en las evaluaciones de la vida real de los programas.
  • Análise de contribuição

    Análise de contribuição (contribution analysis) é uma abordagem para avaliar questões causais e inferir causalidade em avaliações de programas reais.
  • Democratic evaluation

    Various ways of doing evaluation in ways that support democratic decision making, accountability and/or capacity.
  • Developmental evaluation

    An approach designed to support ongoing learning and adaptation, through iterative, embedded evaluation.
  • Empowerment evaluation

    A participatory approach designed to provide groups with the tools and knowledge so they can monitor and evaluate their own performance.
  • Evaluación para el empoderamiento

    La evaluación para el empoderamiento es un enfoque de participación de los actores involucrados diseñado para proporcionar a los grupos las herramientas y el conocimiento que necesitan para monitorear y evaluar su propio desempeño y lograr sus objetivos.
  • Horizontal evaluation

    An approach to learning and improvement that combines self-assessment by local participants and external review by peers​.
  • Evaluación horizontal

    La evaluación horizontal es un enfoque que combina la auto-evaluación de los participantes locales y la revisión externa de los pares.
  • Innovation history

    A particular type of case study used to jointly develop an agreed narrative of how an innovation was developed, including key contributors and processes, to inform future innovation efforts​.
  • Historia de la Innovación

    A particular type of case study used to jointly develop an agreed narrative of how an innovation was developed, including key contributors and processes, to inform future innovation efforts​.
  • Institutional histories

    A particular type of case study used to create a narrative of how institutional arrangements have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or program goals​.
  • Historias institucionales

    La historia institucional (HI) es una narrativa que recoge aspectos centrales de la evolución a través del tiempo de los acuerdos institucionales – las nuevas modalidades de trabajo – y cómo estos han creado y contribuido a modalidades de trabajo más…
  • Outcome harvesting

    An impact evaluation approach suitable for retrospectively identifying emergent impacts by collecting evidence of what has changed and, then, working backwards, determining whether and how an intervention has contributed to these changes.
  • Outcome mapping

    An impact evaluation approach that unpacks an initiative’s theory of change, provides a framework to collect data on immediate, basic changes that lead to longer, more transformative change, and allows for the plausible assessment of the initiative’s…
  • El mapeo de alcances

    El mapeo de alcances (MA), también llamado mapeo de resultados (outcomes), es una metodología para planificar, hacer seguimiento y evaluar las iniciativas de desarrollo con el fin de generar un cambio social sostenible.
  • Participatory evaluation

    A range of approaches that engage stakeholders (especially intended beneficiaries) in conducting the evaluation and/or making decisions about the evaluation.
  • Evaluación participativa

    La evaluación participativa es un enfoque que consiste en la participación de las partes interesadas de un programa o política en el proceso de evaluación.
  • Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) / Participatory learning for action (PLA)

    A participatory approach that enables farmers to analyse their own situation and develop a common perspective on natural resource management and agriculture at village level.
  • Randomised controlled trial

    An impact evaluation approach that compares results between a randomly assigned control group and experimental group or groups to produce an estimate of the mean net impact of an intervention.
  • Prueba controlada aleatoria

    Un tipo de evaluación de impacto que utiliza el acceso aleatorio a programas sociales como un medio para limitar inclinaciones y generar una estimación de impacto interna válida.
  • Social return on investment

    A participatory approach to value-for-money evaluation that identifies a broad range of social outcomes, not only the direct outcomes for the intended beneficiaries of an intervention.
  • Retorno social de la inversión

    El Retorno Social de la Inversión (SROI, por sus siglas en inglés) es una forma sistemática de incorporar valores sociales, ambientales, económicos y de otro tipo en los procesos de toma de decisiones.
  • Success case method

    An impact evaluation approach based on identifying and investigating the most successful cases and seeing if their results can justify the cost of the intervention (such as a training course).
  • El método del caso de éxito

    El Método del Caso de Éxito (SCM, por sus siglas en inglés) implica identificar los casos más y menos exitosos en un programa y examinarlos en detalle.