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Social Equity Assessment Tool (SEAT) for evaluation
This paper presents the Social Equity Assessment Tool (SEAT) for evaluation, designed to help evaluators practically and contextually examine equity and social justice issues in their work.Equitable evaluation initiative
This initiative is building knowledge about how to align evaluation practices with an equity approach and how to use evaluation as a tool for advancing equity.Evaluation failures: Case studies for teaching and learning [webinar]
In this webinar, three evaluators (Kylie Hutchinson, Benoit Gauthier, and E. Jane Davidson) share their real-life evaluation blunders and ways to incorporate their lessons learned into the classroom or personal practice.Editorial: Unlearning some of our social scientist habits
In this journal article, Jane Davidson advocates for better evaluation practice by picking apart four common practices in academic and social research that evaluators might inappropriately apply when working in the field of evaluation.SAMEA knowledge compendium 2019
This resource, produced by the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA) brings together a range of content about monitoring and evaluation practice.When the world is in crisis, evaluation can provide answers
This session, presented as part of the 2023 gLocal Evaluation Week, explored different approaches to effectively address ecosystems' health and just transition in evaluations.Evaluation education in a world in transformation: The way forward
In this webinar, Dr Marcia Joppert presents the results of her doctoral dissertation; a study about mapping evaluation education opportunities globally and analysis of how they align with the skills of transformational evaluators and the neWhat is evaluation? (AEA statement)
A brief (4-page) overview that presents a statement from the American Evaluation Association defining evaluation as "a systematic process to determine merit, worth, value or significance".The 2018 American Evaluation Association (AEA) Evaluator competencies
This document outlines the AEA's evaluator competency framework, developed through a collaborative process with members from 2015 to 2018.Key competencies for the monitoring function
This document sets out the functional competencies (skills, knowledge, attributes and behaviours) needed for effective monitoring.National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) webinar: Engaging youth, addressing crisis, and building resilience (GEI and UNDP)
This National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) conference webinar explores the themes of youth engagement in national evaluation systems and the challenges associated with evaluating and strengthening these systems in crisis settings.Using Word & Excel to analyze qualitative data with Seth Tucker
Extracting meaningful findings from qualitative data requires an evaluator to have the right tools to able to organize, code, and immerse themselves in the data.Use participatory tools in evaluation research
How might you use participatory tools like the Bridge Model and Seasonal Calendars to collect data? And how can you do so virtually?Participatory evaluations
In this webinar, Jess Littman and Odile Drice David, MBA discussed why and how to integrate participatory methods into existing evaluations.Evaluation use in multilateral development institutions with Dr. Jos Vaessen
In this webinar, Dr Jos Vaessen, Evaluation Advisor at the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group, discussed how independent evaluation is organised in multilateral development institutions.10 reasons to evaluate
The infographic is designed for program managers and program leaders who are considering implementing an evaluation and seeking inspiration for its importance.Social network analysis guide
The guide provides an overview of Social Network Analysis, an example of maps that can be developed from this type of analysis and key focus questions for SNA.Evaluating refugee programs
This website is designed to help build the community-based evaluation capacity of the refugee sector across Canada to improve support and outcomes for newcomers who came as refugees.Health Policy Project: Strengthening capacity in policy, advocacy, governance, and finance: A facilitator guide for organizational capacity assessments
The resource, developed by the Health Policy Project, is a self-assessment tool designed to align with an organization's mission concerning health policy, though the tool is useful more broadly outside the health sector.IEG methods papers series
The IEG Methods Papers Series provides guidance on evaluation methods used by the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG).Conditions to consider in the use of randomized experimental designs in evaluation
This paper, written by George Julnes, University of New Mexico, Melvin M. Mark, Penn State University, and Stephanie Shipman, U.S.Evaluation of international development interventions: An overview of approaches and methods
This guide, produced by the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group, aims to provide the reader with an accessible reference to evaluation approaches and methods used in international development contexts.Delphi technique: Predicting emerging opportunities and challenges in renewable energy
This paper outlines the Delphi forecasting method and its use in collecting, aggregating, and analysing inputs from a panel of global experts on renewable energy (RE).Colorlab
Colorlab is a free online tool designed to help users create harmonious color palettes for their projects. This resource and the following information were contributed by Max Graham.Strengthening administrative data systems for evidence-based policymaking in India
This blog from the Centre for Learning on Evaluation of Results, South Asia (CLEAR SA) discusses how strengthening administrative data systems is vital for evidence-based policymaking, as it allows for faster, more precise, and cost-effectiHealth data system practices and its role in monitoring and evaluation: Diagnostic report of Punjab (Pakistan) hepatitis control program data systems
This report presents a comprehensive assessment and enhancement plan for the Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) in Punjab, Pakistan focusing specifically on hepatitis control as a case study.Decolonising national evaluation systems
This article, by Ian Goldman, Candice Morkel, Edoé D. Agbodjan & Thokozile G.Impact evaluability toolkit
This publication from J-PAL and CLEAR SA offers a framework for creating an impact evaluation strategy, focusing on quantitative impact evaluations that use a counterfactual.Value for investment
The Value for Investment (VfI) approach is a rigorous way of determining how well resources are used in a policy or program, whether the resource use creates enough value, and how more value can be created.Framing participatory evaluation
This 1998 paper by J.Leveraging imagery data in evaluations: Applications of remote-sensing and streetscape imagery analysis
This paper discusses using imagery data in evaluations and the advantages and limitations of relevant methodologies.Why did you become an evaluator? If you could restart your career, what would you do differently?
This video explores how a professor of economics transitioned into evaluation, sharing insights on their journey and offering advice for young and emerging evaluators, including what they would change if they could restart their career.