Grappling With Uncertainty in Innovative and Complex Settings: Weaving Quality in Developmental...

This PowerPoint, developed by Kataraina Pipi, Nan Wehipeihana and Kate McKegg as part of a presentation given at the American Evaluation Association conference 2010, looks at using development evaluation to focus on the process of moving from an initial vision to the implementation of evaluations in emergent and dynamic contexts

"They say of life only three things are certain; birth, death and taxes. We say of Developmental Evaluation, the only certainty is uncertainty. In this session we present the challenges associated with ensuring evaluation quality in innovative and complex situations. Through a Developmental Evaluation lens we explore the process of moving from a conceptual vision to on-the-ground practice of evaluation in emergent and dynamic contexts. We reflect on what it takes to systematically weave quality into the engagement processes, data collection and evaluative thinking, in settings where uncertainty reigns."


American Evaluation Association (2010) Eval10 Session 307: Grappling With Uncertainty in Innovative and Complex Settings: Weaving Quality in Developmental Evaluation. Discussion at the American Evaluation Association Conference 2010. Retrieved from