Evaluation of adaptation measures for livestock sector in mongolia

This working paper from Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change Initiative (AIACC) evaluates climate change adaptation measures being used in the livestock sector of Mongolia with the aim of reducing its vulnerability to climate change.

"The pastoral livestock sector directly engages half of the Mongolian population and provides food and fiber to the other half. Livestock and livestock-processed exports amount to about one-third of foreign exchange earnings. Mongolia’s development is highly dependent on pastoralism. This sector already suffers from climate variability, particularly due to severe winters and summer droughts (Natsagdorj, 2003). A climate change study conducted in Mongolia recognized that global climate change has increased the threat of severe winters and droughts (Batima, 2003). Given the overriding importance of the sector to the national economy, its vulnerability remains a key threat to the country's potential for sustainable development." (Batima, Bat & Tserendor, 2006)


  • Objectives and research questions
  • Options
  • Impacts of Climate Change and Variability
  • Adapting to climate stresses
  • Identifying and screening adaptation options
  • Evaluation of options by stakeholders
  • Discussion of Selected Adaptation Measures
  • Barriers
  • Responsibility for Adaptation
  • Conclusions

Specific methods mentioned

  • Household Survey – p. 12
  • Muli-Workshops – p. 12-14, 15
  • EKZNJTZ & EKUKJTZ (Tool used to simulate ewe weight changes) – p. 4-6


Batima, P., Bat, B., & Tserendor, T. AIACC, (2006).Evaluation of adaptation measures for livestock sector in mongolia (Working Paper No. 41). Retrieved from AIACC Project Office website: http://www.aiaccproject.org/working_papers/Working%20Papers/AIACC_WP41_Batima.pdf