Participatory Analysis: Expanding Stakeholder Involvement in Evaluation

This paper, written by Veena Pankaj, Myia Welsh, and Laura Ostenso for the Innovation Network uses the case studies of three organisations that have used participatory analysis to examine its use in different contexts. The case studies include descriptions of the purpose of the participatory analysis; the design, planning, and implementation process; and the effect on the overall evaluation.


"Innovation Network has been a longtime proponent of participatory evaluation. The vast majority of our evaluation consulting engagements since 1992 have used a participatory approach. However we recently realized that much  of the “participatoryness” of our evaluation projects was limited to the evaluation planning stage. Sometimes stakeholders would continue to be involved in implementing the evaluation offering input on data collection instruments, for example, or being active participants in data collection. However, we felt that other opportunities for   participation were being overlooked."


  • Why We Began Using Participatory Analysis 
  • How We Use Participatory Analysis
  • Congressional Hunger Center—Data Placemats for Improved Reporting 
  • Washington Area Women’s Foundation Setting Realistic Expectations and Increasing Support with Stakeholders 
  • ACTION—The Importance of Who is at the Table
  • Participatory Analysis: Getting Started


Pankaj, V., Welsh, M., and Ostenso, L., (2011). Participatory Analysis: Expanding Stakeholder Involvement in EvaluationInnovation Network. Retrieved from: