UNICEF Impact Evaluation Project
In development, government and philanthropy, there is increasing recognition of the potential value of impact evaluation and specific support to develop capacity for both commissioning and conducting impact evaluation, including the use of its findings.
In partnership with the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), the RMIT University-based BetterEvaluation team worked with evaluation experts to develop a series of a user-friendly package of 13 methodological briefs on impact evaluation methods.
The briefs were written by (in alphabetical order): E. Jane Davidson, Thomas de Hoop, Delwyn Goodrick, Irene Guijt, Bronwen McDonald, Greet Peersman, Patricia Rogers, Shagun Sabarwal, Howard White.
The briefs covered overviews of impact evaluation and its key strategies/methods, essential building blocks of impact evaluation and evaluation designs and specific data collection and analysis methods.
Webinar series
In addition, throughout 2015, BetterEvaluation partnered with the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti to develop eight impact evaluation webinars for UNICEF staff based on the methodological briefs. The objective was to provide an interactive capacity-building experience, customized to focus on UNICEF’s work and the unique circumstances of conducting impact evaluations of programs and policies in international development.
The findings, interpretations and opinions expressed in the webinars are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The presenters are independent impact evaluation experts who were commissioned by UNICEF to prepare the webinars and use their own knowledge and judgement on key issues and to provide advice. The questions and comments reflected in the Q & A materials are based on those submitted by UNICEF staff as part of this capacity-building initiative. They do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNICEF.
The webinars were commissioned by UNICEF and UNICEF is entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights which bear a direct relation to the contract under which this work was produced.