24 results
Filter search resultsUNEG norms and standards for evaluation (2016)
The updated 2016 UNEG Norms and Standards for Evaluation, a UNEG foundational document, is intended for application for all United Nations’ evaluations.RecursoCounting critically: SDG ‘follow-up and review’ needs interlinked indicators, monitoring and evaluation
This IIED briefing paper discusses the role of global indicators in the monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation, review and follow-up at the national level. The paper advocates for a grRecursoEvaluation: A crucial ingredient for SDG success
This IIED Briefing paper argues that, in order to be maximally useful to policymakers and citizens, the follow-up and review processes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must incorporate rigorous, country led evalRecursoFive considerations for national evaluation agendas informed by the SDGs
This IIED briefing paper advocates for using a ‘complex systems’ lens to approach the follow-up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals and discusses five key aspects of this perspective and their implications for national evalRecursoRight or Wrong? What values inform modern impact evaluation?
The aim of this event was to open up the debate on ethics and explore how it can become more relevant to the field of impact evaluation.RecursoHow to build M&E systems to support better government
This volume highlights the experience of several countries which have succeeded in building a well-functioning government M&E system, including Chile, Colombia and Australia.RecursoEvaluations that make a difference: Stories from around the world
What is the value of evaluation and can stories provide a good way of communicating evaluation findings?BlogEvaluation at the endgame: Evaluating sustainability and the SDGs by moving past dominion and institutional capture
“Business-as-usual evaluation will not suffice.RecursoRevised site-visit standards: A quality-assurance framework
Michael Quinn Patton provides a revised framework for site-visit standards to distinguish between those that provide minimal quality control and those that might ensure excellence.RecursoPractical guide for engaging stakeholders in developing evaluation questions
This guide from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was designed to support evaluators engage their stakeholders in the evaluation process.RecursoEvaluation question examples: Evaluation at country level, regional level, sector or thematic global evaluation
This document contains example questions, many of which are drawn from country, regional, sector or thematic global evaluations undertaken by the Evaluation Unit.RecursoEvaluation questions: IPDET Handbook
This module from the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) outlines the process for creating and using different types of evaluation questions for a variety of purposes.RecursoDeveloping process evaluation questions
This concise guide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines evaluation questions and outlines the process needed to develop them.RecursoAEA statement on cultural competence in evaluation
"This statement of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) affirms the significance of cultural competence in evaluation. It also informs the public of AEA’s expectations concerning cultural competence in the conduct of evaluation."RecursoEvaluation questions
This site provides a step-by-step guide on how to identify appropriate questions for an evaluation.RecursoEvaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean
The evaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean were developed by a working group of the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization (ReLAC), with support from DEval’s evaluation capacityRecursoDiretrizes de Avaliação para a América Latina e o Caribe
Uma iniciativa da Rede de Monitoramento, Avaliação e Sistematização da América Latina e Caribe (ReLAC), em colaboração com DEval- FOCELAC+.RecursoEstándares de Evaluación para América Latina y el Caribe
Una iniciativa de la Red de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Sistematización de América Latina y el Caribe (ReLAC), con el apoyo de DEval- FOCELAC+.RecursoO sistema de monitoramento e avaliação dos programas de promoção e proteção social do Brasil
Apresentação do sistema brasileiro de monitoramento e avaliação de programas sociais, como parte da cooperação Brasil-Africa .RecursoEvaluation standards for Aotearoa New Zealand
ANZEA (Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association) has worked in partnership with SuPERU to develop a set of Aotearoa-specific Evaluation Standards that set out the expectations of the evaluation process, practices and products.RecursoHow well do we evaluate evaluation?
Part of our commitment to better evaluation is making sure that evaluation itself is evaluated better. Like any intervention, evaluations can be evaluated in different ways.BlogEvaluations that make a difference
This collection gathers eight stories from around the world about evaluations that have made a difference to the lives of people.RecursoJoint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE) program evaluation standards in practice
This resource provides a practical guide for evaluators to apply the Program Evaluation Standards developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE)RecursoAEA365: PE Standards Week: Thinking about standards past and present, at home and abroad
This blog, written by Brad Watts for AEA365, introduces the program evaluation standards week series of blogs and provides examples of different approaches to evaluation standards.Recurso