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Filter search resultsFootprint evaluation webinar 3: From 'do no harm' to restoration - Working with a typology of Footprint Evaluation
… natural systems, or is it harmful to these systems? From 'do no harm' to restoration webinar You can download the … It was very much geared up to say, where are we and what do we also need to put in place, a lot of what we recommended was about improving the monitoring system to do a much better job of monitoring risks and feeding that …RecursoSustainability-inclusive evaluation: Why we need it and how to do it
… evaluation: Why we need it and how to do it …RecursoWhat is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis – Part 2
… to individuals and organisations. We all need to do our bit. Read the full papers here and see which of the … Independent Evaluation Office. … What is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis …BlogWhat is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis – Part 1
… harm, and evaluation allows that harm to continue. … [A] do-no-harm standard when human and natural systems are … on natural systems. All evaluations. Failing to do so is to presume that it is OK for your interventions to … Independent Evaluation Office. … What is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis …BlogFootprint evaluation
… human and natural systems are strongly coupled; what we do in human systems draws from and affects natural systems. … evaluation practice and theory, but there is much work to do to deconstruct and address historical and ongoing systemic … can share fisheries; political and social boundaries do not confine air pollution and natural systems overlap, …ThemeWeek 20: A língua dominante em avaliação é o inglês?
… Brasil) Este documento narra as experiencias pessoas do coordenador de uma avaliação de um projeto educacional. O autor descreve as etapas do processo de avaliação, investigando as mudanças que o … IPEA e MDA, Brasil) Este documento apresenta uma descrição do modelo logico, sua aplicabilidade, e como desenvolver um …BlogIntroducing footprint evaluation
… and actual environmental impacts of interventions that do not have explicit environmental objectives. Given the … current evaluation practice and training of evaluators do not usually include attention to environmental impacts unless these are stated objectives, nor do evaluation teams usually include both people with …BlogFootprint evaluation webinar 2: Entry points for environmental sustainability
… always useful. Response : Environmental impact statements do have limitations, as noted. However, where EIAs have been … This experience raises two of the big challenges: how do you do it in practice and how to link it to use? To do a proper …RecursoEnvironmental approach for generational impact
… and evaluation but little available guidance on how to do this. This paper sets out some ways to do this that are accessible and practical. While the …RecursoParticipant produced video: Giving participants camcorders as a social research methods
… reflect on those things that matter to them. "Those who do decide to provide participants with camcorders often cite …RecursoFootprint evaluation webinar 1: Identifying points of nexus between human and natural systems
… and are doing tremendous jobs to actually achieve “do no harm” levels and move towards restoration. Other …RecursoPhotography/Video recording for data collection
… mid-1990s, and much information is now available on how to do it. PV differs from conventional (documentary) video …MétodoEvaluating the environmental impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the COVID-19 pandemic
… feasible. Furthermore, not only is it feasible to do this, the inclusion of environmental considerations adds … achievement of important health outcomes in ways that do not impair environmental sustainability. The case study is …RecursoMainstreaming environmental sustainability in evaluation: EvalSDGs Insight #14
… leadership and targeted grants to test how best to do this. Mainstreaming environmental considerations as an …RecursoTwelve reasons why climate change adaptation M&E is challenging
… may look similar to other development interventions, they do have specific and distinct characteristics that set them …RecursoAddressing environmental sustainability through the OECD DAC criteria for evaluation of development assistance
This resource, from the Footprint Evaluation Initiative, discusses how the six evaluation criteria of the OECD DAC (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development – Development Assistance Committee) can be used to get environmentalRecursoFootprint evaluation: Thought experiments
… to contribute to expanding the knowledge about how to do this well, the report lists a number of challenges and …RecursoEvaluation at the endgame: Evaluating sustainability and the SDGs by moving past dominion and institutional capture
… evaluations are primarily focussed on human systems and do not have the intellectual infrastructure to incorporate …RecursoKnowing place through story
… ourselves in what we see, hear and experience, what we do not see may be as important as what we notice. Our own … may blind us to important aspects of place. So, how do we understand what we do not see? One powerful way is through the telling of and …BlogWeek 20: Is English the dominant language for evaluation?
… written in English and addressed to international donors. Do not get me wrong, I think it is positive to have a common …BlogBiodiversity and the economic response to COVID-19: Ensuring a green and resilient recovery
This policy brief “outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and poses a variety of other growing risks to businesses, society and the global economy.RecursoKnowing the place
… districts; strategies find their application at places, as do policies, often through programs. A place is where the … if place is more than just the intervention setting, how do we explore and understand place when conducting an … ways that human and natural systems couple and how what we do in human systems affects both human and natural systems. …BlogHow to talk about climate change
This collection of resources - toolkit, short guide and cheat sheet - sets out the challenges of talking about climate change and presents effective strategies to address them.RecursoEvaluations made in Portuguese: the Lusophone space
… with varying degrees in different countries, have to do with weak technical capacity, a reactive institutional … own “language” and practice. High-quality evaluations do not abound and are commissioned and managed more often by …BlogEvaluación de la huella ecológica
… de la Huella Ecológica: Footprint Webinar 3 - From 'do no harm' to restoration: Working with a typology of …ThemeEvaluating sustainability: Evaluative support for managing processes in the public interest
… seriously address global transformation in everything we do as evaluators makes us part of the problem, not part of …Recurso