5 results
Filter search resultsA study on the status of national evaluation policies and systems in the Asia Pacific region
This study documents the progress of countries in the Asia-Pacific region in developing National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS). Survey questions that were used as part of the assessment are included in the appendix.RessourcePolítica nacional de evaluación en Malasia
La NEP malaya puede servir como buen ejemplo de un modelo que apoya el medioambiente para evaluación.RessourceNational evaluation policy in Malaysia
This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in MalayRessourceQuIP in action: Save the Children case study
This resource provides an example of the use of the Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) approach in evaluations of Save the Children's programmes.RessourceCase study: Using QuIP to evaluate Tearfund’s church and community transformation programme
This resource provides an example of the use of the Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) approach in an ongoing evaluation of a Tearfund programme.Ressource