42 results
Filter search resultsRationality, irrationality, reality: The uneasy marriage between decision-making & evidence (Webinar)
This webinar by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) and the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Francophone Africa (CLEAR-FA) explored how policymakers and development practitioners can leverage data and evidence to shape pRessourceRationalité, irrationalité, réalité: Le mariage difficile de la prise de décision et les données probantes
Ce webinaire organisé par l’Initiative mondiale pour l’évaluation (GEI) et le Centre d’apprentissage sur l’évaluation et les résultats pour l’Afrique francophone (CLEAR-FA) a exploré comment les décideurs politiques et les professionnels duRessourceEvaluation and Gender Equality: Why we need more feminist evaluations (Webinar)
This webinar explored the perspectives of four women who shared their organizations' experiences in making evaluations more influential in promoting gender equality.RessourceRendre résilient les systèmes nationaux d'évaluation face à l'instabilité politico-administrative
Dans ce webinaire, organisé par la Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) et le Centre d’apprentissage sur l’évaluation et les résultats pour l’Afrique francophone (CLEAR-FA), nous explorons des stratégies pour rendre les systèmes nationaux d'éRessourceMaking national M&E systems resilient amid political and administrative instability (Webinar)
This webinar from the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) and Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Francophone Africa (CLEAR-FA) explored the question "How can national evaluation systems stay resilient in times of crisis?"RessourcegLOCAL 2024 opening event: Rethinking evaluation: Driving transformative change (Webinar)
On May 29, the 2024 gLOCAL Evaluation Week kicked off with a virtual discussion on how evaluation can drive transformative change.RessourceTransforming evaluation by global institutions to achieve the SDGs in health (Webinar)
In this gLOCAL 2024 event, the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) addresses a topic that begs the attention of global health institutions: How can evaluation better support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for heaRessourceFIME project roundtable - Evaluation for transformation: The power of feminist approaches (Webinar)
In this gLOCAL 2024 event, the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) takes a deeper dive into feminist evaluation and its potential to drive transformative change.RessourceGlobal Evaluation Initiative (GEI) webinars
These webinars hosted by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) and its partners cover a range of topics including strengthening national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, gender equality, and many other areas.RessourceHow can evaluation change the world? Empowering Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) to contribute to transformational change (Webinar)
In this gLOCAL event, we explore the role of evaluation in transforming the world and the potential of YEEs to contribute to this transformation.RessourceEnvironmental sustainability: 2022 NEC Conference session recording
In this recording of the 2022 NEC Conference's session on environmental sustainability, the Footprint Evaluation Initiative’s Patricia Rogers and Andy Rowe joined Joana Varela (Ministry of Finance and Blue Economy Plan, São Tomé and PrincipRessourceCARICOM results-based management collaboration Dominica’s monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)
This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for the Commonwealth of Dominica, providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System in the countRessourceCARICOM results based management collaboration. Monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) integrated report: Regional institutions
This report presents the main findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) diagnostic for three pilot CARICOM regional institutions, the CARICOM Development Fund, the Caribbean Examinations Council, and the CARICOM ImpRessourceCARICOM results-based management collaboration: Jamaica’s monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)
This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for Jamaica, providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System in the country.RessourceMonitoring and evaluation systems analysis (MESA) in Solomon Islands - Diagnostic study
This report presents the findings from the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA) in the Solomon Islands, a comprehensive assessment of the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) ecosystem.RessourceDiagnostic tool for a monitoring and evaluation systems analysis (MESA) - Guidance Note
The MESA is a diagnostic tool created by the Global Evaluation Initiative that guides country stakeholders in gathering, structuring and analyzing information on the current capacity of their country's M&E ecosystem.RessourceDiagnostic des capacités nationales de suivi et d'evaluation de Madagascar: Rapport final
Ce rapport présente les conclusions de l’analyse du système de suivi et d’évaluation (MESA) de Madagascar, en fournissant des informations sur les atouts et les possibilités existants pour développer un système de GAR durable dans le pays.RessourceSolomon Islands national monitoring and evaluation systems strengthening strategy 2024-2028
This document presents a 5-year action plan for strengthening national systems and capacities across national and subnational governments, and non-governmental and academic institutions of the Solomon Islands.RessourceCARICOM results-based management collaboration: Saint Lucia’s monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)
This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for Saint Lucia, providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System in the country.RessourceDiagnóstico para análise de sistemas de monitoramento e avaliação (MESA) para Recife
Este relatório apresenta as principais conclusões do diagnóstico do sistema de monitoramento e avaliação (MESA) para a cidade de Recife, Brasil.RessourcePlan d'action, Madagascar 2023
Cette feuille de route vise à contribuer au renforcement de la culture de l'évaluation tant au niveau de l'administration centrale que des autres institutions constitutionnelles de Madagascar.RessourceCARICOM results-based management collaboration: CXC's Monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)
This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System.RessourceCARICOM results based management collaboration. Monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) integrated report: Member states
This report presents the main findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) diagnostic for three pilot CARICOM member states, Jamaica, Saint Lucia and Dominica.RessourceWhy is evaluation important for climate? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 1
In this video, Ketevan Nozadze, Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) discusses broadly why evaluation is important in climate action.RessourceHow to develop a program Theory of Change? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 4
In this video, Megha Pradhan (CLEAR-SA) presents how to develop a program theory of change.RessourceHow is M&E useful in the program cycle? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 3
In this video, Jenean Pretorius (CLEAR-AA) discuss how monitoring and evaluation can be used throughout the program cycle.RessourceWhat is monitoring and evaluation (M&E)? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 2
In this video, Gabriel Weber Costa (CLEAR-LAB) talks about monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and how we can use them to inform decisions in climate action.RessourceMonitoring and evaluation in climate action video series
The GEI and the Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (the CLEAR centers) have partnered with the Climate Investment Funds' (CIF) Evaluation and Learning (E&L) Initiative to provide introductory video sessions on Monitoring andRessourceDemystifying evaluation: Communication strategies for making evaluation more engaging and more inclusive (Webinar)
In this gLOCAL 2024 event, GEI explores what communication strategies work best to make evaluation more engaging and more inclusive for various audiences in different regions of the world.RessourceBest practices compendium on outcome budgeting
This resource from the Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Government of India, is designed to assist government entities in shifting from input and output-focused budgeting to an outcomes-oriented approach.RessourceNational Evaluation Capacities (NEC) webinar: Engaging youth, addressing crisis, and building resilience (GEI and UNDP)
This National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) conference webinar explores the themes of youth engagement in national evaluation systems and the challenges associated with evaluating and strengthening these systems in crisis settings.RessourceHealth data system practices and its role in monitoring and evaluation: Diagnostic report of Punjab (Pakistan) hepatitis control program data systems
This report presents a comprehensive assessment and enhancement plan for the Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) in Punjab, Pakistan focusing specifically on hepatitis control as a case study.Ressource