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Comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA)
Comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) is a software package that can be used to conduct a meta-analysis simply and effectively.CDC: Checklist to help focus your evaluation
This checklist, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helps you to assess potential evaluation questions in terms of their relevance, feasibility, fit with the values, nature and tiFormBuilder
iFormBuilder is a mobile data collection platform that allows users to build a survey and distribute it to field workers for data entry.Rethinking monitoring for collective learning in rural resource management
Drawing on the author's experience in rural resource management in Brazil this paper discusses the common misconceptions, potential and processes involved in Participatory Monitory and Evaluation (PM&E)Transforming a lizard into a cow: Child-led evaluation of the building skills for life programme in Zimbabwe
This report is the second in this series and presents a child-led evaluation of a multi-sectoral programme in Cambodia seeking to empower adolescent girls and address the challenges they face accessing quality education.areol: Convergent interviewing
This reading is taken from Session 8 of the online course Action Research and Evaluation Online (AREOL). It explains in detail the technique known as convergent Interviewing and how it can be used for effective data collection.Participation Toolkit: Exercises for working together
This resource provides set of practical participative exercises to help both large and small groups, teams and boards introduce new and different ways of change the option of communicating, analysing and deciding what to do.Advancing evaluation practices in philanthropy
This series of papers about evaluation practices in philanthropy was published as a sponsored supplement of the Stanford Social Innovation Review for the Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation.Guide to evaluating rural extension
The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) have developed this guide to evaluating rural extension with the aim to provide comprehensive support for people involved in extention evaluationsOkiko in pursuit of a snail: Child-led evaluation of the building skills for life programme in Kenya
This report is the third in this series and presents a child-led evaluation of a multi-sectoral programme in Cambodia seeking to empower adolescent girls and address the challenges they face accessing quality education.Magpi (formerly Episurveyor)
Magpi (formerly EpiSurveyor) is a mobile data collection platform widely used in the international development sector.Ray Calabrese's buckeye blog
A webpage and blog site of Professor Ray Calabrese, from Ohio State University USA.My Thuan Bridge: Monitoring success
This evaluation report, written equally in English and Vietnamese, is about the Ausaid-funded My Thuan Bridge, the first bridge constructed across the Mekong River in Viet Nam.Evaluation methods for assessing value for money
This paper by Farida Fleming reviews different evaluation methods used for assessing Value for Money, compares their similarities and differences, and examines the questions each method is most suited to evaluating.Use of impact evaluation results
This is the fourth guidance note from InterAction's series on impact evaluation. The guide, written by David Bonbright, outlines three key themes linked to the effective use of evaluation results.Uso de los resultados de la evaluación de impacto
This is the fourth guidance note from InterAction's series on impact evaluation. The guide, written by David Bonbright, outlines three key themes linked to the effective use of evaluation results.Utilisation des résultats d’évaluations d’impact
This is the fourth guidance note from InterAction's series on impact evaluation. The guide, written by David Bonbright, outlines three key themes linked to the effective use of evaluation results.Network mapping as a diagnostic tool
This manual provides a step-by-step guide to the process of conducting a social network analysis by using Netdraw, which is a free software tool that allows the visualisation of social networks.Social network analysis in program evaluation
This special edition of New Directions for Evaluation from the American Evaluation Association (AEA) provides nine articles on social network analysis in program evaluation.California county scorecard of children's well-being
This website from Children Now provides an interactive display of statistics reporting on the wellbeing of children in California. It uses 38 indicators to rank child well-being in each of California's 58 Counties.Developmental evaluation: Perspectives from an internal vs. external evaluator
This is a podcast that offers an overview of the Developmental Evaluation approach according to the perspectives of an internal and an external evaluator.Terms of Reference: Evaluation of the Peace Education Project in Aceh
In 2001 a peace education project was implemented in Aceh, designed to encourage non-violence and peaceful conflict resolution among youths.Policy dialogue evaluation: Terms of reference
This document from the the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID) is the Terms of Reference for an evaluation of the policy dialogue that takes place between partner countrieUSAID/Zambia - Gender-Based violence - Programming evaluation
This example documents the evaluation approach and methodology performed on various programs implemented in Zambia to address gender-based violence (GBV).Evaluability assessment template
This template from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is designed to take the user through a step by step process of evaluability assessment.ACFID and value for money - Discussion paper
The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) created this discussion paper to generate meaningful debate and help their sector work with AusAID to define value for money better.Stakeholders’ interest in potential evaluation questions
This worksheet from Chapter 5 of the NationAddressing attribution of cause and effect in small n impact evaluations: Towards an integrated framework
This paper from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) analyses the various approaches that are available for small n impact evaluations.Appreciative inquiry
This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process of using appreciative inquiry in order to discover the strengths and facilitate positive change of an organisation.Peer review and self-evaluation
This toolkit from the Australian National University (ANU) provides a range of resources that demonstrate the use of both peer review and self evaluation in order to develop reflective practice in tMethods for estimating the costs of family planning
This report summarises an expert meeting discussing issues related to methods of estimating family planning program costs.UNICEF Vietnam National Program for Child Protection M&E Plans Framework
The UNICEF Vietnam Country Office with their government counterparts developed a M&E plan that included causal analysis strategies through checking the consistency of evidence.