Exercises and resources: Why work in evaluation

Explore how evaluators think by trying out exercises that guide you through evaluating your recent decisions and discovering how evaluation aligns with your interests—complete with additional resources for deeper learning.


Illustration of arms writing in a notebook with a cup of coffee and pair of glasses on the table

Try it out: Evaluate a recent choice you made!

  1. Think of a recent situation where you had to make a choice such as which smartphone to buy, choosing a restaurant for dinner, or deciding whether to accept a job offer.
  2. What things did you think about or consider when making this choice?
  3. Describe how you found information for each of these things. How did you decide whether the information was trustworthy?
  4. To what extent did your choice meet your expectations?

Congratulations! You have gone through the process of evaluating your choice! Now you have an idea of the type of questions evaluators explore on their day-to-day work!

How does evaluation align with your interests?

  1. What is the local or global challenge that is most important to you?
  2. What new or existing ideas could help solve this challenge?
  3. What information is needed to understand if these ideas work?
  4. What other questions could we answer to be more successful at addressing this challenge?

Bonus step! Take a few minutes to explore content related to the challenge that you selected and evaluated. Use search terms like “evaluation”, “report”, “practice” and the name of your challenge. Chances are, there are evaluations already trying to answer some of the questions you came up with!
