Financial resources and budgeting play a pivotal role in the effective functioning of national Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems.
Ensuring adequate allocation and efficient utilisation of funds is paramount for the comprehensive collection, analysis, and dissemination of data, ultimately supporting evidence-based decision-making and enhancing accountability.
As M&E systems continue to gain prominence in shaping national policies and programs, understanding the nuances of financial planning and budgetary considerations becomes indispensable for actors engaged in the design and implementation of these systems.
South Africa has developed significant capacity in the Department of Planning, M&E (DPME) to oversee the evaluation system. This has enabled many elements of the evaluation system to be developed: around eight significant national evaluations conducted per year, and the development of capacity across the whole of government. These evaluations were co-funded by DPME and the
relevant sector department.
National departments have M&E units, and in some cases, these have significant evaluation capacity, while in some departments there are no people with evaluation expertise. Central offices in each province also have some capacity, with some having dedicated evaluation capacity, such as Western Cape, with four staff members. The tightening of the fiscal situation since the mid-2010s and especially the prevailing context of COVID-19, have put considerable strain on evaluation budgets, which has actually stimulated an interest in the use of rapid evaluations that are conducted internally.
Global Evaluation Initiative (2022). MESA Guidance Note: Diagnostic Tool for a Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis. Retrieved from
Goldman, I., Byamugisha, A., Gounou, A., Smith, L., Ntakumba, S., Lubanga, T., Sossou, D., & Rot-Munstermann, K. (2018). The emergence of government evaluation systems in Africa: The case of Benin, Uganda and South Africa. African Evaluation Journal, 6(1), 11 pages. doi:
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- National M&E Systems :