Respect for people during an evaluation requires those engaged in an evaluation to respect the security, dignity, and self-worth of respondents, program participants, clients, and other evaluation stakeholders.
Respect for people is one of the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association:
- "D. Respect for People: Evaluators honor the dignity, well-being, and self-worth of individuals and acknowledge the influence of culture within and across groups.
- D1. Strive to gain an understanding of, and treat fairly, the range of perspectives and interests that individuals and groups bring to the evaluation, including those that are not usually included or are oppositional.
- D2. Abide by current professional ethics, standards, and regulations (including informed consent, confidentiality, and prevention of harm) pertaining to evaluation participants.
- D3. Strive to maximize the benefits and reduce unnecessary risks or harms for groups and individuals associated with the evaluation.
- D4. Ensure that those who contribute data and incur risks do so willingly, and that they have knowledge of and opportunity to obtain benefits of the evaluation."
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'Respect for people' is referenced in:
- Rainbow Framework :