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Filter search resultsTwelve reasons why climate change adaptation M&E is challenging
This is the first guidance note in a series of three from the SEA Change Community of Practice and UKCIP that focuses on the monitoring and evaluation of climateResourceGuide to using the World Factbook to find a country’s international environmental agreements
This is a simple step by step guide to using The World Factbook to find the international environmental agreements a country has signed up to. This resource and the following information was contributed by Kaye Stevens.ResourceKey Evaluation Questions (KEQs) to guide Footprint Evaluations
The key evaluation questions (KEQs) are designed to support the inclusion of environmental sustainability by embedding consideration of the environment in each evaluation question rather than adding environmental considerations as a standalResourcePreguntas de evaluación clave (PEC) para orientar las evaluaciones de la huella ecológica (Footprint Evaluations)
Las preguntas de evaluación clave (PECs) están diseñadas para apoyar la inclusión de la sostenibilidad ambiental al incorporar la consideración del medio ambiente en cada pregunta, en lugar de agregar consideraciones ambientales como una prResourceFootprint evaluation: Thought experiments
This Footprint Evaluation Initiative report describes four 'thought experiments' undertaken as part of this project.ResourceEnvironmental approach for generational impact
This paper provides guidance on Environmental Approach for Generational Impact – a proposed approach to designing and evaluating programmes in a way that includes consideration of environment and biodiversity issues.ResourceFootprint evaluation webinar 2: Entry points for environmental sustainability
In part two of this three-part webinar series, Jane Davidson and Patricia Rogers discuss several ways to get sustainability on the evaluation agenda, even for projects that have no explicit environmental objectives and where there is no menResourceFootprint evaluation webinar 3: From 'do no harm' to restoration - Working with a typology of Footprint Evaluation
In the last part of this three-part webinar series, Andy Rowe and Patricia Rogers introduce a typology being developed that will assist a wide range of evaluations in assessing the effect of interventions on natural systems and sustainabiliResourceEvaluating sustainability: Evaluative support for managing processes in the public interest
This special issue of New Directions in Evaluation includes discussions of different types of sustainability – sustainable environment, sustainable development, sustainable programs, and sustainable evaluation systems – and a synthesis of tResourceEvaluation at the nexus between nature and humanity for transformational change
This chapter from Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times argues for the need to transform evaluation in the light of current environmental crises and sets out the major ways this needs to happen.ResourceIntegrating environment into evaluations [video]
This Evaluation Practice Exchange Seminar was organized by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) in cooperation with the Footprint Evaluation project of BetterEvaluation and the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI).ResourceWhat is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis – Part 1
This blog is the first of a 2-part series on the issues raised about COP26 in papers published in the journal Evaluation.BlogWhat is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis – Part 2
This blog is the second of a 2-part series on the issues raised about COP26 in papers published in the journal Evaluation.BlogIntroducing footprint evaluation
Given the numerous interconnected environmental crises the world faces, there is an urgent need to include consideration of environmental impacts into all evaluations.BlogMainstreaming Environmental Sustainability in Evaluations where the environment is not the focus (Webinar recording)
This recorded webinar featuring Scott Chaplow, Juha Uitto, Eddah Kanini, and Lennise Baptiste provides a useful discussion of evaluation's role in mainstreaming environmental concerns, as well as practical guidance and resources for evaluators on how toResourceUNDP 2021/2022 Human Development Report. Uncertain times, unsettled lives: Shaping our future in a transforming world
This report comprehensively considers human development at a time of a new ‘uncertainty complex’ created by layers of uncertainties interacting.ResourceBiodiversity and the economic response to COVID-19: Ensuring a green and resilient recovery
This policy brief “outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and poses a variety of other growing risks to businesses, society and the global economy.ResourceEvaluation at the endgame: Evaluating sustainability and the SDGs by moving past dominion and institutional capture
“Business-as-usual evaluation will not suffice.ResourceThe rights of nature: An emerging transformation opportunity for evaluation
This article invites evaluators to engage with the concept of the Rights of Nature: “recognizing ecosystems and natural communities not as property that can be owned but as entities that have an independent right to existResourceEnvironment, climate change and assessment - towards a holistic view
This blog by Juha Uitto, Director of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the Global Environment Facility, points out that evaluation needs to take a new, holistic perspective to address serious environmental problems.ResourceEvaluating the environmental impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the COVID-19 pandemic
This Footprint Evaluation case study explores the feasibility and value of considering environmental sustainability in the evaluation of personal protective equipment (PPE) provisioning during the COVID-19 pandemic.ResourceKnowing the place: Key methods and processes for evaluator engagement in environmental sustainability evaluations
Understanding the 'place' - be it the site of a project, program, strategy or policy - is critical when addressing environmental sustainability as part of an evaluation.BlogKnowing place through story
Knowing place is essential, as understanding all aspects of context is vital to undertaking evaluation that supports community, environmental renewal, and sustainability.BlogDigital dividends in natural resource management
The report sets out research findings on the "digital dividends" of various types of technology on natural resource management in low and middle-income countries.ResourceHow to talk about climate change
This collection of resources - toolkit, short guide and cheat sheet - sets out the challenges of talking about climate change and presents effective strategies to address them.ResourceTurin Agenda - 2022 National Evaluation Capacities conference
The Turin Agenda is a commitment presented by over 300 participants from more than 100 countries at the 2022 National Evaluation Capacities Conference held in Turin, Italy from October 25-28.ResourceKnowing the place
Most interventions occur at a place; projects are often at one or more places such as communities or districts; strategies find their application at places, as do policies, often through programs.BlogOECD-DAC principles for evaluation of development assistance
The OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation has updated the evaluation criteria definitions and principles for use after 25 years.ResourceFootprint evaluation case study: Evaluation of environmental sustainability aspects of a national strategy
This case study looked at how environmental sustainability might be addressed as part of a mid-term evaluation of a national strategy for private sector development.ResourceEnvironmental footprint calculators
An environmental footprint calculator estimates the environmental impact of specific activities, such as transport and energy use, food consumption, and production and use of products.MethodFootprint evaluation webinar 1: Identifying points of nexus between human and natural systems
In part one of this three-part webinar series, Andy Rowe and Patricia Rogers discuss what was learnt during theResourceEnvironmental sustainability: 2022 NEC Conference session recording
In this recording of the 2022 NEC Conference's session on environmental sustainability, the Footprint Evaluation Initiative’s Patricia Rogers and Andy Rowe joined Joana Varela (Ministry of Finance and Blue Economy Plan, São Tomé and PrincipResource