8 results
Filter search resultsAvaliação para o investimento social privado: Metodologias
Este livro reúne um conjunto de contribuições oriundas do Seminário Internacional Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado: Metodologias, realizado em julho de 2013 no Rio de Janeiro, pela Fundação Itaú Social, Fundação Roberto MarinhoRecursoGender equality and big data: Making gender data visible
The report from UN Women, with support from UN Global Pulse, outlines the value of big data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to women.RecursoChoosing appropriate evaluation methods tool
This tool contains a series of questions and prompts, the results of which provide an indication of which methods will and will not be appropriate to use.RecursoEvaluability assessments and choice of evaluation methods
In this Centre for Development Impact seminar, Richard Longhurst (IDS) and Sarah Mistry (BOND) will highlight the importance of evaluability assessments for development projectsRecursoBig data and evaluation: Use and implications
Big data is emerging as a new world currency.BlogInternet questionnaire
An internet questionnaire allows the collection of data through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web.MétodoLearning alliances: An approach for building multi-stakeholder innovation systems
Millions of dollars are spent each year on research and development (R&D) initiatives in an attempt to improve rural livelihoods in the developing world, but rural poverty remains an intractable problem in many places.RecursoGuest blog: Why rubrics are useful in evaluations
In Aoteoroa New Zealand the use of rubrics has been adopted across a numbBlog