Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: a conceptual framework

This paper from Ruud de Moor Centrum outlines a conceptual framework for evaluating the value created by social and community learning networks.

"A useful framework should make it possible to assess value creation in a way that links specific activities to desired outcomes. Such linkage not only affords causal attribution for outcomes to the activities of communities and networks; it also gives some guidance about how to promote the creation of value proactively. To this end, our framework includes both a set of relevant indicators for data collection and a process for integrating these indicators into a meaningful account of value creation. This requires a specific genre of stories, which we call value-creation stories. We include a toolkit with templates for telling and collecting such stories." (Wenger, Trayner & de Laat, 2011)


  • Communities and networks
  • Framing narratives
  • Cycles of value creation in networks and communities
  • Measures of value creation for each cycle
  • Value-creation stories
  • Building a picture of value creation
  • Toolkit: Telling stories about the value of communities and networks


Wenger, E., Trayner, B., & de Laat, M. Open Universiteit, Ruud de Moor Centrum. (2011). Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: a conceptual framework (Rapport 18). Retrieved from website:

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