82 results
Filter search resultsHow to manage an evaluation and disseminate its results
This guide from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) outlines the roles and responsibilities of evaluation managers during and after the evaluation has taken place.ResourceUsing qualitative comparative analysis to explore causal links for scaling up investments in renewable energy
This paper illustrates how qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) was used to identify causal pathways for scaling renewable energy to meet sustainable development and climate goals.ResourcePower analysis: A practical guide
This guide was developed in response to a recommendation of the Swedish Government Policy on Democratic Development and Human Rights, that power be analysed as part of context-specific poverty analysis.ResourceRealist impact evaluation: An introduction
Realist impact evaluation is an approach to impact evaluation that emphasises the importance of context for programme outcomes.ResourceCausal pathways: A shared understanding
This 2022 document by members of the Causal Pathways Initiative articulates a shared understanding of the concept of “causal pathways'' in evaluation and strategy.ResourceUnderstanding process tracing
This 2011 paper, from David Collier, outlines a new framework for process tracing to achieve greater systemisation of qualitative methods. This version includes some reflections in 2019 on subsequent developments.ResourceCausal Pathways introductory session: Outcome harvesting for exploring causal pathways
This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Carlisle Levine and Hippolyt Pul, introduces outcome harvesting, a method to collect evidence of what has changed and whether and how an intervention has contributed to these changes.ResourceOutcome harvesting
This 27-page brief, written by Ricardo Wilson-Grau and Heather Britt, introduces the key concepts and approach used by Outcome Harvesting (published by the Ford Foundation in May 2012; revised in Nov 2013).ResourceCosecha de alcances
Cosecha de Alcances es una herramienta centrada en la utilización y altamente participativo que permite a evaluadores, donantes y gerentes de proyectos y programas identificar, formular, verificar y dar sentido a los alcances en que han infResource20 years of outcome mapping: Evolving practices for transformative change
This paper reflects on the evolving use of Outcome Mapping 20 years after the first publication on this approach. The resource also provides a "set of guiding practices to support transformative change":ResourceCausal Pathways introductory session: The inclusive rigour framework
This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Marina Apgar, Leslie Wingender, and Helene Bradburn, introduces the inclusive rigour framework.ResourceCompasss: Comparative methods for systematic cross-case analysis
COMPASSS (Comparative methods for systematic cross-case analysis) is a website that has been designed to develop the use of systematic comparative case analysis as a research strategy by bringing together scholars and practitioners who sharResourceLearning through and about contribution analysis for impact evaluation
This article from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) discusses the Centre for Development Impact's five-year journey in innovating and understanding contribution analysis as a primary method for impact evaluation.ResourcePower analysis briefing: Review of tools and methods
This paper, developed for WaterAid in 2012, provides an overview of different types of tools and methods for power analysis, including the use of lists, network maps, and classification systems.ResourceProcess tracing and contribution analysis: A combined approach to generative causal inference for impact evaluation
This article, written by Barbara Befani and John Mayne for the IDS Bulletin (Volume 45 Number 6), outlines how the combined use of contribution analysis (CA) with process tracing (PT) can shift the focus of impResourceContribution analysis: A promising method for assessing advocacy's impact
The paper provides a background about contribution analysis and a summary of the steps involved in carrying out the method.Resource10 years of outcome mapping
This webinar from the Outcome Mapping Learning Community (OMLC) presents the key findings from research conducted into the extent of Outcome Mapping use and the support required for its implementation.ResourceQuIP: Understanding clients through in-depth interviews
This practice note gives a step-by-step guide to developing and conducting in-depth interviews using the QuIP approach, and analysing the information and making conclusions based on what you have learned.ResourceOutcome mapping + equity, gender, and social justice
This paper introduces OM+, a new approach to thinking about and using Outcome Mapping (OM) for supporting transformative change through a focus on inclusion and leadership for equity, gender, and social justice.ResourceContribution analysis: An approach to exploring cause and effect
This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) explores contribution analysis and how it can be used to provide credible assessments of cause and effect.ResourceSet-theoretic methods for the social sciences: A guide to qualitative comparative analysis
This book, by Schneider and Wagemann, provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of set theory to model causality and applications of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), the most developed form of set-theorResourceThe art and craft of bricolage in evaluation
This CDI Practice Paper, by Tom Aston and Marina Apgar, makes the case for ‘bricolage’ in complexity-aware and qualitative evaluation methods.ResourceClearing the fog: New tools for improving the credibility of impact claims
This IIED Briefing Paper shows that the methods of process tracing and Bayesian updating can facilitate a dialogue between theory and evidence that allows for the assessing of the degree of confidence in ‘contribution claims’ in a transpareResourceTools and tips for implementing contribution analysis
This learning brief offers practical lessons on applying contribution analysis to advocacy impact evaluations. Authors Laura Hopkins, ITAD Ltd., published by Center for Evaluation Innovation.ResourceRetrospective 'outcome harvesting': Generating robust insights
This paper describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting approach to evaluate a global voluntary network.ResourceFrom narrative text to causal maps: QuIP analysis and visualisation
This paper focuses on analysing raw data to produce useful visual summaries, describing in detail the processes involved in a QuIP analysis.ResourceRethinking rigour to embrace complexity in peacebuilding evaluation
This 2024 open-access journal article presents the inclusive rigour framework and applies it to three cases of peace-building evaluation.ResourceOutcome Mapping Learning Community
This website from the Outcome Mapping Learning Community is a resource and sharing hub for resources and ideas related to outcome mapping.ResourceBath social & developmental research ltd. (BSDR) website
BSDR is a non-profit research organisation set up by the authors of the QuIP - a small team of researchers from the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) at the University of Bath - with the ambition to bring more research into practice.ResourceDiscussion note: Complexity aware monitoring
USAID’s Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (LER) has produced a Discussion Note: Complexity-Aware Monitoring, intended for those seeking cutting-edge solutions to monitoring complex aspects of strategies and projects.ResourceThe book of why: The new science of cause and effect - Book review
This review of The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect attempts to explain "reclaiming causal" from the perspective of an influential statistician and thinker.ResourceContribution analysis and estimating the size of effects: Can we reconcile the possible with the impossible?
This paper explores how contribution analysis can be used to give a quantitative sense of a contribution's importance.Resource