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Filter search resultsGender responsiveness diagnostic of national monitoring and evaluation systems – methodological reflections
This article reports on a diagnostic study carried out to understand the gender responsiveness of the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems of Benin, South Africa and Uganda.ResourceNational Evaluation Capacity in Uganda
This paper by Margaret Kakenda (President, Uganda Evaluation Association) provides an overview of the Ugandan national integrated M&E Framework as of 2009 and its structural arrangements, including a directorate of Monitoring and EvaluaResourceNational Policy on Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation - Uganda
This Ugandan national policy, published in 2013, applies to all public policies, strategies, programmes and projects managed by Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, Local Governments, Parastatals and Executing Agencies of public programmes.ResourceAn African approach for gauging the gender effectiveness of national M&E systems: An IDEV article
This 12-page Twende Mbele paper presents the findings from a diagnostic study used to determine the gender responsiveness of national monitoring and evaluation systems in Benin, South Africa and Uganda.ResourceMere compliance or learning – M&E culture in the public service of Benin, Uganda and South Africa
This chapter of Using Evidence in Policy and Practice covers evidence use by African governments, and explores M&E culture in Benin, Uganda, and South Africa.ResourceNational policy on public sector monitoring and evaluation
This document presents the National Policy on Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation from Uganda, which sets out a framework for strengthening the assessment of public policies and investments.ResourceFactors influencing the performance of monitoring and evaluation systems in non-government organizations in Lira district, northern Uganda
This thesis for the Masters degree in Monitoring and Evaluation from Uganda Technology and Management University investigates the factors that affect the performance of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems in non-governmental organizResourceFootprint evaluation case study: Evaluation of environmental sustainability aspects of a national strategy
This case study looked at how environmental sustainability might be addressed as part of a mid-term evaluation of a national strategy for private sector development.ResourceDevelopment evaluations in Uganda 2000-2018: A country evaluation map
This CEDIL Synthesis Working Paper is a report on the first of its kind country evaluation map for a single country, identifying 617 evaluations in multiple sectors in Uganda.ResourceUsing M&E to improve government performance and accountability: A glance of 6 countries’ NES
This report on lessons learned from the Twende Mbele program compares the experiences of six different countries – Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South Africa and Uganda and discusses issues relating to leadership and linkages, capacity, and qResourceCase study: Using QuIP to evaluate Tearfund’s church and community transformation programme
This resource provides an example of the use of the Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QuIP) approach in an ongoing evaluation of a Tearfund programme.Resource