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Filter search resultsSWOT analysis
… The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that encourages group or individual reflection on and assessment of the S trengths, W eaknesses, O pportunities … a particular strategy and how to best implement it. SWOT analysis originated in business and marketing analysis. IFAD …MethodNational M&E policies
… National monitoring and evaluation policies are the set of rules or principles that a country uses to guide its decisions and actions with respect to monitoring and evaluation across … beyond creating M&E officer positions Processes and methods: whether certain methods and processes are required …MethodHealth Policy Project: Strengthening capacity in policy, advocacy, governance, and finance: A facilitator guide for organizational capacity assessments
… a baseline of organizational capacity, promotes dialogue and learning, and informs the development of a … the following areas: Accountability Systems Advocacy Data Analysis and Use Gender Health Financing Implementation … Collaboration Networking and Coalition Building Policy Analysis Policy Dialogue Policy Monitoring Poverty Stigma and …ResourceSocial mapping
… which households are benefiting from an assessment and whether or not they belong to the target group. Social … ranking process to make a base map of the area under analysis. Use codes (symbols) to represent relative … of scores in order to define your target group. These methods are useful for tracking change over time, and for …MethodORID
… by the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) in Canada and involves a facilitator asking people four levels of … theory that people need to be cognisant of the actual data and deal with their emotional responses to the topic in order to undertake better analysis and decision-making. ‘ O ’ stands for objective – …MethodConcept mapping
… This method can be used for the task of negotiating values and standards, and is useful for framing the … participating group. Ultimately it provides a statistical analysis of what is really valued by a group and how strongly … proprietary software (Concept Map) that combines cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. It is also possible to …MethodQ-methodology
… different stances on an issue, by having participants rank and sort a series of statements. Participant responses are analysed using factor analysis. Unlike standard uses of factor analysis (often called R Methodology), the variables are …MethodDelphi study
… questions. After each round, the responses are summarised and redistributed for discussion in the next round. A … convergence involving the identification of common trends and inspection of outliers. In its original form, question … to contribute, ‘using disagreement as a trigger for deeper analysis’ (Dick 2000). For instructions on facilitating a …MethodAfter action review
… to discuss a task, event, activity or project in an open and honest fashion. Organisational learning requires … of organisational performance, looking at successes and failures, ensuring that learning takes place to support … into tacit, it helps to build trust among team members and to overcome the fear of mistakes. When applied correctly, …MethodSelf-assessment
… is an individual reflection on one's skills, knowledge and attitudes related to evaluation competencies. This can be … a useful tool to identify professional development needs and to plan the composition of evaluation teams. These are …MethodNational evaluation policy in Malaysia
… Evaluation outlines the process used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in Malaysia. Excerpt "In 2009, the … and Policy Framework 6 Institutional Arrangements 7 M&E Tools, Components, Evaluation Methodologies and Quality of …ResourceOther relevant national policies
… an enabling environment that enhances the effectiveness and integration of M&E practices within government … as: Performance management policies that set standards and expectations for government agencies and employees, often … hiring skilled evaluators and acquiring necessary tools for M&E activities. Recruitment policies affect the …MethodNational evaluation policy in Switzerland
… Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in Switzerland. Excerpt "This case … and Policy Framework 6 Institutional Arrangements 7 M&E Tools, Components, Evaluation Methodologies and Quality of …ResourceDotmocracy
… is an established facilitation method for collecting and recognizing levels of agreement on written statements … write down ideas on paper forms called Dotmocracy sheets and fill-in one dot per sheet to record their opinion of each … or “confusion”. Participants sign each sheet they dot and may add brief comments. The result is a graph-like visual …MethodNational evaluation policy in South Africa
… Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa. Excerpt "In 2005 the … and Policy Framework 6 Institutional Arrangements 7 M&E Tools, Components, Evaluation Methodologies and Quality of …ResourceFuture search conference
… over an issue (i.e. politicians or project designers) and those who will be affected by or who have concerns … of people to develop a series of options for the future, and agree on a plan of action, which, because participants … will develop a feasible plan which incorporates the needs and wishes of those affected as well as those of the decision …MethodLegislation and constitution that refer to M&E
… A country's constitution and laws can be important in terms of M&E systems and will often explicitly refer to M&E. A constitution is a … resourcing and scope, evaluative criteria, processes and methods, processes for supporting use and ensuring quality, …MethodCard visualization
… data that uses paper cards to allow groups to brainstorm and share their ideas. A card visualization session revolves … of the group for collective consideration, discussion, and agreement. This technique is particularly useful in synthesizing group ideas, encouraging consensus, and prompting discussion. Another important advantage of card …MethodWorld cafe
… of simple conversation in considering relevant questions and themes. The metaphor of a real-life café is used: in a … café session is that people possess an intrinsic ability and insights to address issues of decision-making or planning effectively, and that natural conversation is one of the best options for …MethodPolitique d’Evaluation nationale en Afrique du Sud
… du Gouvernement (GWM&E – Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation) en Afrique du Sud. En 2005, le Gouvernement … Performance (DPME – Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation), situé au sein de la Présidence du pays, du …Resource