5 results
Filter search resultsNational evaluation in the SDG era: An online self-assessment tool for national evaluation diagnostics and strategizing
This tool, developed by the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP, provides a step-by-step mechanism to assess evaluation capacity, determine needs and establish action points for developing a country's framework for evaluation of nationalResourceEnvironmental sustainability: 2022 NEC Conference session recording
In this recording of the 2022 NEC Conference's session on environmental sustainability, the Footprint Evaluation Initiative’s Patricia Rogers and Andy Rowe joined Joana Varela (Ministry of Finance and Blue Economy Plan, São Tomé and PrincipResourceEvaluation policy of UNDP
This evaluation policy from the UNDP has been developed to ensure there is a common basis for evaluations taking place within the organisation.ResourceCausality assessment for landscape interventions (CALI)
This resource introduces Causality Assessment for Landscape Interventions (CALI), an approach developed by UNDP to support adaptive management of projects that aim to reduce deforestation at the landscape or jurisdictional level.ResourceNational Evaluation Capacities (NEC) webinar: Engaging youth, addressing crisis, and building resilience (GEI and UNDP)
This National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) conference webinar explores the themes of youth engagement in national evaluation systems and the challenges associated with evaluating and strengthening these systems in crisis settings.Resource