
  • Evaluating Human Capital Projects

    Evaluating Human Capital Projects is a practical guide to planning, evaluating and improving all types of human capital projects.  Its central theme is that organisations do not always value 'softer' investment in people as highly as o
  • Jason Davies data viz examples

    Jason Davies' website contains a large number of data viz examples, particular around geo data. It also contains some links to to tools, including a word cloud and tree map.
  • From monitoring goals to systems-informed evaluation: Insights from SDG14

    This briefing paper from IIED argues that if the world is going to make significant progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, development actors will need to think and work in new ways, including in e
  • Sketchnoting 101: How to create awesome visual notes

    This guide by Matthew Magain outlines his process and tips for creating sketch-notes (what BetterEvaluation calls graphic recordings). 
  • Sketcho frenzy: The basics of visual note-taking

    This is a short (3-minute) video by Claudine Delfin about the benefits of visual note-taking. It's also a good example of a video that has been created from a visual note-taking process.
  • Talking about visuals: A discussion with graphic recorder Katherine Haugh

    Often referred to as 'visual note-taking', graphic recording is a method that merges data collection and reporting to create a visual record of a discussion.
  • Learning alliances

    Learning alliances involve a structured partnership between two or more organisations with the aim of working together to build and share knowledge around topics of mutual interest.
  • Graphic recording

    Graphic recording is the translation of conversations into images and text on large sheets of paper during meetings and events.
  • 8 word cloud makers for teachers

    This web page provides a number of suggestions for using word clouds and also provides links to 8 free Word Cloud makers.  