19 results
Filter search resultsCollaboration mapping
This tool, developed by USAID/Rwanda and shared as part of USAID's Collaboration, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Toolkit, is one way of graphically depicting relationships between key stakeholders.ResourceIntroduction to collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) in the program cycle
This free, one-hour online course by USAID gives an introduction to the Collaboration, Learning, Adapting (CLA) approach.ResourceUSAID collaborating, learning and adapting in action case competition library
USAID's annual Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition captures case studies of USAID staff and implementing partners using a CLA approach for organizational learning and better development outcomes.ResourceSketchnoting 101: How to create awesome visual notes
This guide by Matthew Magain outlines his process and tips for creating sketch-notes (what BetterEvaluation calls graphic recordings).ResourceSketcho frenzy: The basics of visual note-taking
This is a short (3-minute) video by Claudine Delfin about the benefits of visual note-taking. It's also a good example of a video that has been created from a visual note-taking process.ResourceProgram Evaluation: a Plain English Guide
This 11-step guide defines program evaluation, what it is used for, the different types and when they should be used. Also covered is how to plan a program evaluation, monitor performance, communicate findings, deliver&nResourceSynchronizing monitoring with the pace of change in complexity
This discussion note from USAID argues for synchronizing monitoring with the pace of change as a key principle underlying complexity-aware monitoring.ResourceTalking about visuals: A discussion with graphic recorder Katherine Haugh
Often referred to as 'visual note-taking', graphic recording is a method that merges data collection and reporting to create a visual record of a discussion.BlogQuick tips - collecting group data: Delphi technique
This resource from the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension provides an overview of the Delhi technique and its uses. Preparation, procedures, tips and letters are also used to explain its purpose and use.ResourceCommunicating & reporting evaluation processes & findings
This PowerPoint presentation by Hallie Preskill, gives an overview of communicating and reporting and provides examples of some of the tools that can be used to facilitate the process.ResourceGraphic recording
Graphic recording is the translation of conversations into images and text on large sheets of paper during meetings and events.MethodIncorporating people's values in development: Weighting alternatives
Timely information about people’s desires could improve policy-makers’ ability to allocate resources to maximum effect and monitor interventions and outcomes.ResourceComplexity Evaluation framework: recognising complexity & key considerations for complexity-appropriate evaluation in the department for environment, food and rural affairs (DEFRA)
The primary purpose of this framework is to equip Defra commissioners of evaluation (which may include analysts and policymakers), with a checklist of core considerations to ensure that evaluations are robust and sufficiently consider the iResourceCommunication plan
A communication plan outlines the strategies that will be used to communicate the results of your evaluation.MethodCommunicating data findings equitably
In this webinar, Alissa Marchant and Shelli Golson-Mickens of Innovation Network discussed what it takes to communicate evaluation findings equitably.ResourceDelphi technique: Predicting emerging opportunities and challenges in renewable energy
This paper outlines the Delphi forecasting method and its use in collecting, aggregating, and analysing inputs from a panel of global experts on renewable energy (RE).ResourceEvaluation and communication decision-making: A practitioner's guide
Designed for evaluators, communication planners, and project implementers interested in capacity development, this primer combines utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) design with communication planning.ResourceLa prise de décisions fondées sur l’évaluation et la communication: Un guide pour les praticiens
Conçu à l’intention des évaluateurs, des planificateurs de la communication et des responsables de la mise en œuvre de projets intéressés par le renforcement des capacités, ce guide combine la conception de l’évaluation axée sur l’utilisatiResourceLa toma de decisiones basada en la evaluación y la comunicación: Guía para profesionales
Diseñado para evaluadores, planificadores de la comunicación y ejecutores de proyectos interesados en el desarrollo de la capacidad, este manual combina el diseño de las evaluaciones orientadas al uso (EOU) con la planificación de la comuniResource