
3509 results

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  • Estudio de brechas entre necesidades y oferta de programas para desarrollar capacidades de monitoreo y evaluación en América Latina y el Caribe

    El objetivo de esta investigación de CLEAR LAC fue estudiar las brechas entre las necesidades y las ofertas de capacitación, a fin de diseñar un programa de capacitación en monitoreo y evaluación (M&E) relevante y pertinente.
  • Evaluation participative d’impact rapide du projet d’appui à la sécurité alimentaire dans les régions de Biombo, Gabu et Tombali en Guinée Bissau (PASA)

    Cette note d’orientation résume une évaluation participative rapide de l’impact du PASA à Guinée Bissau, commandée par la Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD) avec l’appui technique du CLEAR FA.
  • Reflections from evaluators

    This collection of interviews aims to inspire you on the path towards becoming drivers of transformative change, as young and emerging evaluators.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Impact evaluability toolkit

    This publication from J-PAL and CLEAR SA offers a framework for creating an impact evaluation strategy, focusing on quantitative impact evaluations that use a counterfactual.
  • Navigating the starting points

    With the variety of roles, types of organizations, and sectors where evaluation is used, it is no wonder that people come into the field of evaluation through different entry points!
    Evaluation career guide
  • Guia de avaliação de impacto de Cabo Verde

    Esta publicação do CLEAR LAB fornece um guia para a realização de avaliações de impacto de políticas públicas com foco em avaliações de impacto quantitativas que usam um contrafactual.
  • Deep dive into different roles

    Understanding the different types of roles in evaluation is key to navigating the field and finding the right fit for your interests.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Exercises and resources: Why work in evaluation

    Explore how evaluators think by trying out exercises that guide you through evaluating your recent decisions and discovering how evaluation aligns with your interests—complete with additional resources for deeper learning.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Evaluation myths and misconceptions

    Evaluation can sometimes seem intimidating due to common misconceptions about its complexity, purpose, and cost.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Building a career in evaluation

    Whether you are just starting out or looking to advance your career in the field of evaluation, this guide is designed to support you on your journey.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Triple column

    A triple column/row theory of change diagram shows the causal pathway in terms of intermediate outcomes, activities that directly produce these, and the influence of other factors and programs.
  • Value for investment

    The Value for Investment (VfI) approach is a rigorous way of determining how well resources are used in a policy or program, whether the resource use creates enough value, and how more value can be created.
  • Exercises and resources: What I need to know to work in evaluation

    Enhance your career by mastering evaluation competencies through self-assessment, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and creating an actionable plan to improve.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Exercises and resources: What a career in evaluation looks like

    Find the evaluation career path that suits you by taking the "What type of evaluator are you?" test, identifying roles and organisations that align with your results, and exploring helpful resources for your professional growth.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Strengthening national M&E systems (beta)

    This new content section is a detailed resource repository focused on understanding and strengthening national Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • Ethical Protocol

    This Ethical Protocol contains a set of ethical principles to hear and privilege the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in monitoring and evaluation that involves them or impacts on them.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Manage an evaluation or M&E system in FCV settings

    Successful management in fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) settings involves careful stakeholder engagement, strategic resource management, context-appropriate design, thorough documentation, and ongoing capacity strengthening t
  • Describe activities, outcomes, impacts and contexts in FCV settings

    This section covers key tasks related to data collection, management, and the use of indicators in fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) contexts, with a focus on prioritising safety, contextual relevance, and flexibility in response to the uniq
  • Frame the boundaries of the evaluation or M&E system in FCV settings

    In fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) contexts, framing the boundaries of an intervention is crucial to ensure that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities are contextually appropriate, ethically sound, and adaptable to ch
  • Report & support use of findings in FCV settings

    Effective reporting and supporting the use of evaluation findings in FCV contexts require careful planning and adaptation to the unique challenges these environments present.
  • Define what is to be evaluated in FCV settings

    In fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) settings, the task of defining what is to be evaluated is both crucial and complex.