Assessing the economic impact of HIV/AIDS on Nigerian households

In this paper,  Canning, Mahal, Odumosu and Okonkwo (2006) use propensity score matching to assess the affect of HIV/AIDS on an individual's ability to access health care in Nigeria.

The study  “compare[s] HIV positive people with a control group with similar observed characteristics, using propensity score matching. The matched control group has very different health and economic outcomes than a random sample of the population indicating that our HIV sample would not have had "average" outcomes even if they had not acquired HIV." (Canning, Mahal, Odumosu and Okonkwo 2006)


  • Introduction
  • Sampling procedure, data and methodology
  • Findings and discussion
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Table 1: Summary statistics for households reporting HIV-positive members (treatment) and households without HIV-positive members (control)
  • Table 2: Propensity score regressions
  • Table 3: Effect of HIV-positive status on morbidity, hospitalization, health spending, loss of usual activity and care-giving among matched individuals
  • Table 4: Annual direct and indirect income losses from ill health


Canning, D., Mahal, A., Odumosu, K., & Okonkwo, P. Harvard Initiative for Global Health, Program on the Global Demography of Aging. (2006). Assessing the economic impact of hiv/aids on nigerian households: A propensity score matching approach. Retrieved from website:

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