DECI Research Objectives

Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) is a program developed by the International Development research Centre (IDRC) to develop capacity in ICDT amongst IDRC partners through action research.  

This webpage outlines the five objectives of DECI and provides links to a number of case studies, literature reviews and learning modules.

DECI objectives are as follows:

  1. Capacity development of ICT researchers: to provide technical assistance to researchers toward improving their evaluation knowledge and skills. Researchers will receive training and mentoring in UFE and particular method(s) that respond to their evaluation questions.
  2. To introduce regional evaluation consultants to concepts and practices of UFEthrough engagement in mentoring evaluations of ICTD projects.
  3. UFE Workshop curriculum: To develop a UFE workshop curriculum and test it across different ICTD project settings.
  4. UFE Evaluations: To contribute towards the completion of UFE evaluations of PAN projects [dependent on project calendars that coincide with the DECI one].
  5. To develop an approach to M&E capacity development with possible uses in other regions or thematic areas.


DECI. (n.d.). Deci research objectives. Retrieved from