Emerging Opportunities: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Tech-Enabled World

Emerging Opportunities: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Tech-Enabled World, a discussion paper written by Linda Raftree and Michael Bamberger under a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation to Itad, provides an overview of how the practice of monitoring and evaluation (M&E)—including that of the Foundation’s M&E practice—is learning how to better use information and communication technologies (ICTs) for more timely data, and more inclusive voice and feedback from beneficiaries and other stakeholders.


  • Introduction
    • Real-world changes
    • Methodological challenges
  • Current trends and tools in ICT-enabled M&E
    • Diagnosis
    • Planning
    • Implementation and monitoring
    • Evaluation
    • Reporting, sharing, and learning
  • Areas to explore
    • Random routes
    • Reconstructing baseline data
    • Improving sample design
    • Enhancing rating scales
    • Concept mapping
    • Evaluating complex development programs
    • Quantitative case study methods
  • New challenges and risks when integrating ICTs in M&E
    • Selectivity bias
    • Technology- and tool-driven M&E prcoesses
    • Over reliance on digital data
    • Low institutional capacity and resistance to change
    • Privacy and protection
  • A checklist for thinking through ICTs in M&E
  • References


Raftree, L. and Bamberger, M. (2014). Emerging opportunities: Monitoring and evaluation in a tech-enabled world. The Rockefeller Foundation Evaluation Office. Retrieved from: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/report/emerging-opportunities-monitoring/