These are the course notes for Jennifer Greene's 2007 workshop Employing mixed methods in evaluation presented at American Evaluation Association Summer Evaluation Institute in 2007.
The course objectives were:
- To provide participants with specific concepts and tools for mixed options work
- To engage participants in reflective conversation about a “mixed options way of thinking”
The course notes provide information, activities and references on the following topics:
- Purposes of mixed options inquiry:
- Complementarity - understanding more comprehensively, developing more comprehensive, more complete portrait
- Triangulation - understanding more defensibly, with stronger validity or credibility and less known bias
- Initiation - understanding more insightfully, with new ideas, fresh perspectives, creative concepts and meanings
- Understanding with greater value consciousness and greater diversity of values, perspectives, and positions.
- Frames for mixed options inquiry – different mixed option paradigm stances and what guides practical inquiry decisions
- Key concepts in mixed options design and analysis – when and how to mix options
- Major dimensions of mixed options design: sequential, concurrent and integrated designs
- Analysis challenges and strategies for: data transformation, data comparisons, drawing inferences and conclusions
- Examples of mixed option evaluations are discussed
Greene, J. C. (2007, June). Employing mixed methods in evaluation. Centers for Disease Control - American Evaluation Association Summer Evaluation Institute. Retrieved from