Encouraging innovation in development organizations

This blog post by Linda Raftree discusses the relationship between innovation and ICTs. Based on a discussion between a number of ICT and innovation experts from INGOs, the panel expressed different ways of looking at innovation and the use of ICT to innovate. It concludes with nine ideas for taking innovation and ICT4D forward.


“Different organizations bring in different ideas and definitions of innovation. Is innovation always synonymous with technology? Does it always require technology? For some organizations, “innovation” means doing things faster, better and differently in a way that adds value and has a concrete impact.

One discussant noted that innovation is not necessarily disruptive in nature; it can be categorized into 3 main forms:

  • a totally new context, new problem, new solution
  •  an existing solution that is improved
  •  an existing solution that is adapted to a new context, country or sector” (Raftree, 2014)


  • What is innovation?
  • What fuels innovation?
  • Encouraging innovation within large development organizations
  • Metrics for innovation
  • Decentralizing the innovation function
  • Ideas for taking innovation and ICT4D forward


Raftree, L. (2014, February 12). Encouraging innovation in development organizations. Retrieved from http://lindaraftree.com/2014/02/12/encouraging-innovation-in-development...