Evaluation and communication decision-making: A practitioner's guide

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Designed for evaluators, communication planners, and project implementers interested in capacity development, this primer combines utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) design with communication planning.

This resource and the following information were contributed by Ricardo Ramirez.

Authors and their affiliation

Ricardo Ramírez & Dal Brodhead, DECI Project

Key features

This primer is for practitioner evaluators, communication planners, and project implementors who are interested in capacity development. The approach presented is a hybrid that integrates utilisation-focused evaluation (UFE) design, with communication planning. The primer is based on over a dozen practical experiences mentoring partners globally.

We acknowledge the support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC, Ottawa) which has funded and promoted the DECI projects since 2009.

How have you used or intend to use this resource?

We regularly refer partners whom we are mentoring in UFE & communication to this resource. The primer illustrates the parallel steps in planning evaluation and communication as complementary tools. It provides sample tables for UFE and communication planning.

Why would you recommend it to other people?

The hybrid approach has proven benefits that other trainers may be able to lean on. The mentoring process in evaluation and communication, especially when offered at the start of an initiative, can help project managers improve and adapt their overall strategy. 


Ramírez, R. & Brodhead, D. (2017). Evaluation and communication decision-making: A practitioner’s guide. Metcalfe, Ontario: DECI-2 Project. Retrieved from: https://evaluationandcommunicationinpractice.net/featured-publications/

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