This report from Belgium's Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation describes the outcomes of an evaluation of Belgian NGO partnerships that are specifically aimed at capacity development.
"The evaluation also assesses the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the interventions by the Belgian NGOs with regard to the CD of their partners. It also looks for indications of the effects and impact of CD and the advantages this has brought for the final beneficiaries. The evaluation focuses strongly on the learning aspect of this subject, which has been the topic of relatively little study. The formulation of concrete recommendations is supporting this learning dimension." (Special Evaluation Office Development Cooperation 2010).
- Introduction
- Evaluation context
- Methodology
- Basic concepts
- Policy framework regarding partnerships and capacity development
- Findings
- Cluster 1: Policy and strategic choices
- Cluster 2: Approach and management of capacity development in partnerships
- Cluster 3: Effectiveness of the support to capacity development in partnerships
- Cluster 4: Adaptive capacity of NNGOs and DGDC
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Quality of the partnership as a determining factor for the effective support to capacity development
- Capacity development as a motor for reducing poverty and promoting democratic governance
- CD as an endogenous and non-linear process, vulnerable to interruptions in external support
- Conditions for effective and efficient external CD support
- Increased policy focus with regard to CD, however financing and management tools still in infancy
- Limited structures and processes for content related quality control and knowledge sharing with regard to CD support
- Annexes
- Management response of the directorate general for development cooperation
- management response Acodev
- Management response coprogram
Special Evaluation Office Development Cooperation, (2010). Evaluation of NGO partnerships aimed at capacity development. Retrieved from Kingdom Of Belgium, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation website: