This example of an outcome assessment framework was developed by the Western Australian Department of Fisheries in collaboration with four other Australian Fisheries Management Agencies.
Its aim was to develop a framework to allow evaluation of fisheries compliance outcomes and it contains two linked models: A program logic model which shows how the components of a properly designed compliance programme link together to achieve a set of defined outcomes and a maturity model which allows qualitative assessment of business maturity against defined maturity levels. This example has been submitted to the BetterEvaluation website by Timothy Green with the intention of seeking comments and feedback.
This resource and the following information was contributed by Timothy Green, who is seeking feedback on the framework from the BetterEvaluation community. You can add your comments below.
Authors and their affiliation
Dr Timothy Green and Mr John Looby of the Department of Primary industries and Regional Development, Western Australia.
The authors also acknowledge: Mr Sebastian Lambert (Primary Industries and Regions SA – PIRSA, Government of South Australia) , Dr William Dixon (Victorian Fisheries Authority), Mr Tod Spencer (Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Australian Government), who were equal partners in helping formulate and refine the models, and Ms Lisa Young, Mr Neil Quarmby and Dr Katie Willis of ‘Managing Intelligence’ for their assistance with the concept, facilitation of workshops, and initial drafts of the models.
Key features
This Outcomes Assessment Framework is a structured way of describing the key components and desired outcomes of a fisheries compliance programme (education and enforcement) to provide a common understanding across all stakeholders. The Framework consists of two linked models: A program logic model which shows how the components of a properly designed compliance programme link together to achieve a set of defined outcomes and a maturity model which allows qualitative assessment of business maturity against defined maturity levels.
How have you used or intend on using this resource?
Preliminary implementation has shown that the program logic model is a simple way to set out and so understand the various specialised components of compliance service delivery. The maturity model provides a way to assess, or qualitatively measure, how effective components of service delivery are being in producing the behaviours necessary to achieve the defined outcomes set out in the program logic model.
The maturity model has been applied by internal stakeholders to a single fishery, and it is planned to use it with external stakeholders to begin a constructive dialog about where opportunities and barriers lie in working towards shared outcomes.
Why would you recommend it to other people?
The feedback we have had from people who have seen the models has been very enthusiastic – they ‘get it’. The models and concepts are simple to understand, easy to scale and the methodology would be easy to adapt to other fields.
Green, T. and Dixon, W. (2018). Framework for assessing Compliance Outcomes. Retrieved from: