Indigenous evaluation resources

This webpage from EvalIndigenous provides an important and extensive collection of resources related to Indigenous evaluation for both for Indigenous evaluators and non-Indigenous evaluators working in Indigenous spaces.

Note: BetterEvaluation acknowledges that EvalIndigneous does not necessarily endorse the resources included in this collection.

This resource and the following information were contributed by EvalIndigenous.

Authors and their affiliation


Key features of the Indigenous evaluation resources

The aim of this resource collection is to assemble open-access Indigenous Evaluation resources in the one place, on the Evalindigenous website, for easy access for Indigenous evaluators and non-Indigenous evaluators working in Indigenous spaces – so they have a starting place for their own searches and inquiries.

How have you used or intend to use this resource?

EvalIndigenous Co-Chair, Fiona Cram, used the resources to develop a blog about the principles of Indigenous evaluation. Good access to these resources will also support their writing about Indigenous evaluation.

Why would you recommend it to other people?

They will be able to see the breadth of resources available, access them, and learn more about Indigenous evaluation.