This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) outlines the purpose and the steps involved in creating an Institutional History.
"Preparing an ‘innovation history’ is a method for recording and reflecting on an innovation process. People who have been involved in the innovation jointly construct a detailed written account (sometimes referred to as a ‘learning history’) based on their recollections and on available documents." (Douthwaite & Ashby, 2005)
- Purpose and audience
- The learning selection framework for innovation
- How to construct and learn from innovation histories
- Clarify the objectives and expectations of stakeholders
- Define the innovation
- Construct innovation timelines and actor network maps
- Write up the learning history
- Use the innovation history as a catalyst for change
- Write up the publishable innovation history
- Disseminate the findings
Douthwaite, B., & Ashby, J. The Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative, (2005). Innovation histories: A method for learning from experience.
'Innovation histories: A method for learning from experience' is referenced in: