This report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark presents the findings of the evaluation conducted into the collaboration between Denmark's Evaluation Department and the Research and Evaluation Division (RED) of the Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat of Bhutan.
- Acknowledgements
- Executive Summary
- Introduction and background
- Trends in economic, social and political development since 2000
- Danish Bhutanese Country Programme
- Focus sectors: Achievements and challenges
- Aid relations: Denmark as development partner
- Lessons learned, challenges and recommendations
- Beyond 2013
- Annexes
Specific method or tool mentioned
Annex 2. p102 Evaluation Matrix
Example of the one used by the DANIDA Evaluation Team outlining their Evaluation Questions, Indicators/Methods Used and Data Sources. It also highlight some of the challeneges they had with regards to the matrix.
Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, (2010). Joint evaluation: Danish-Bhutanese country programme 2000-09: synthesis report. Retrieved from website: (archived link)
'Joint evaluation: Danish-Bhutanese country programme 2000-09' is referenced in: