This blog, from Susan Kristler of the American Evaluation Association, describes the advantages of using Tagxedo over Wordle to present evaluation findings.
"Here are six key features of Tagxedo that make it my new go-to application for clouding:
- You can upload your own image and wrap text around the image (or the inverse of the image).
- You can save to multiple formats including high-resolution formats appropriate for printing as well as the standard lower resolution options good for the web.
- You can modify the algorithm used to decide the size of words so that one word does not dominate the others in the extreme.
- You can create your own custom color palette (and also upload your own font if you want to go all out).
- Tagxedo incorporates word stemming (which may be turned off or on) so that similar words (such as “evaluator” and “evaluators”) are treated as one.
- From here, you’ll just need to go play – the customizability is extensive." (Kristler, 2009)
Kristler, S. (2009, April 11). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
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