This paper, written by Andrea Chester, Dallas Wingrove & Angela Clarke for RMIT University, is the final report of the implementation of a peer partnerships model designed to embed sustainable learning about teaching at the university.
The model was developed to encourage teaching staff to voluntarily take a critically reflective approach to their teaching practice. The process involved a confidential peer exchange where staff can learn about teaching and/or working toward enhancing the quality of their teaching practice.
"Peer Partnerships fosters learning with a focus on process rather than content. The program does this by encouraging participants to partner across teaching programs, pairing staff with others inside the school, but outside their discipline area. In this way partners are forced to focus on the processes they observe rather than responding to the accuracy (or otherwise) of content. Participation in Peer Partnerships can be used as evidence of reflective practice for teaching awards and promotion applications.
In contrast to some other models of peer feedback that use expert reviewers, Peer Partnerships encourages reciprocity, with both participants taking the role of both observer and observee in each partnership. This reciprocity, a feature of some other peer feedback models (e.g., Barnard et al., 2011), is designed to build genuinely collegial relationships and works to diffuse the power imbalance often present in external reviews or mentorship programs (Cohen & McKeachie, 1980). In addition, as Graham Hendry and Gary Oliver (2012) have observed, participants gain as much from observing as being observed, with the potential for observation to increase self-efficacy."
- Outcomes 5
- Project Outcomes and Impacts 5
- What is Peer Feedback 5
- Peer Feedback in the Australian Tertiary Context 6
- Peer Feedback at RMIT 7
- RMIT Peer Partnership Principles and Model 7
- RMIT Peer Partnership Cycle 10
- Stage One: Focus 10
- Stage Two: Observe 11
- Stage Three: Reflect/Set Goals 11
- Stage Four: Implement/Evaluate 11
- Embedded Leadership and RMIT Peer Partnerships: Implementation within Schools 11
- Findings and Impacts 13
- Leaders 13
- Participants 16
- Dissemination Strategies and Outputs 24
- Peer Partnerships Website 24
- Publications and Conference Presentations 24
- Workshops 24
- Evaluation of Project Outcomes 24
- External Review of RMIT Peer Partnerships 24
- Factors Critical to Success 25
- Budget Report 27
- References 28
- Appendix A: Peer Feedback Approaches at Australian Universities 30
- Appendix B: Peer Partnerships Briefing Paper 33
- Appendix C: Finding a Focus 35
- Appendix D: External Review of Peer Partnerships Website 39
Chester, A. Wingrove, D. & Clarke, A. (2013). A module for peer partnerships to embed sustainable learning about teaching, RMIT University.