This discussion paper examines how monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems can enhance climate risk management (CRM) by supporting effective, evidence-based decision-making.
Published by the OECD and authored by DEval researchers, the paper explores strategies to design MEL systems that are adaptable to the complex and uncertain nature of climate risks.
The report addresses key challenges and opportunities for MEL in CRM. It begins with a conceptual overview of climate risk management, highlighting the need for MEL systems that balance short-term and long-term goals, account for evolving risks, and promote learning throughout the process. The authors outline the limitations of traditional MEL approaches when applied to dynamic, climate-affected contexts, such as a lack of flexibility, inadequate stakeholder participation, and difficulties in managing uncertainty.
Subsequent sections provide practical insights into improving MEL for CRM. The report explores innovative tools and methods for data collection, including digital technologies and participatory approaches, which can help overcome challenges like data gaps and access issues. It also discusses how to integrate qualitative and quantitative data to ensure MEL systems produce actionable, context-specific insights. The final recommendations focus on strengthening institutional and local capacity for MEL, emphasising the importance of adaptive learning and stakeholder collaboration in scaling effective climate interventions.
Noltze, M., Köngeter, A., Römling, C., & Hoffmann, D. (2021). Monitoring, evaluation and learning for climate risk management (OECD Development Co-operation Working Paper No. 92). OECD Publishing.
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