Narrative assessment

Resource link

This website introduces Narrative Assessment, providing a range of tools and resources to support the use of the approach.

The resource presents Narrative Assessment as an approach that can be used to monitor, evaluate, and communicate about advocacy.

"It has come about because of a need that we have seen among civil society organizations doing advocacy work, as well as their donors. With Narrative Assessment, we want to help organizations to bring out what advocates really do, the challenges they face and address, and the meaning of their achievements."

Alongside a background about Narrative Assessment, the website provides several helpful tools and resources, including:

  • The Narrative Assessment Toolkit includes information about how to prepare for and conduct the approach and how to create and use Narrative Assessment stories.
  • Instructional videos cover topics such as "getting a sense for the story", "helping to build the story" and "distilling stories from narrative interviews".
  • Resources include a detailed manual on how to carry out the Narrative Assessment, a research paper introducing the approach and an example of the approach in use.