This paper from Keystone Accountability describes the findings of a study which surveyed a range of southern NGO's who partner with 25 specific northern NGO's in order assess their performance on a range of measures.
The report "presents benchmark data from across all 25 NGOs, setting out the range of performance ratings they received. Each NGO also received their own confidential report, showing their specific performance compared to the benchmarks.
The northern NGOs were involved in all major stages of design and implementation, including developing and piloting the questionnaire. It was carefully designed to cover all major activities carried out by northern NGOs to work with and add value to their southern partners.
The survey has generated two major findings: 1) The data are credible, powerful and comparable; 2) Respondents want Northern NGO’s help to become strong, independent and influential organizations. They contrast this with being contracted to implement Northern NGO’s projects and priorities." (Jacobs, 2011)
Specific methods mentioned
- Survey – entire document
- Survey Questionnaire – p. 55 (Appendix 3)
Jacobs, A. Keystone Accountability, (2011). NGO partner survey 2010. Retrieved from website: