Organisational capacity building framework

This organisational capacity building framework serves to hold together a set of ideas or practices that comprise a broad approach course of action specifically aimed at assisting local implementing institutions and organisations.

"AIDSTAR Two’s overall objective is to contribute to stronger and more sustainable, country-led HIV/AIDS programs, organisations and networks. Specifically, the framework serves to:

  1. Assist local implementing institutions and organisations, capacity building providers and donors to understand and utilise the principles, concepts and practices of organisational capacity building.
  2. Describe the process of designing, implementing, measuring and documenting capacity building interventions capable of improving an organisation’s performance, or the skills and competencies of its staff.
  3. Encourage the capacity building community to use a more systematic approach to improve the efficacy of organisational capacity building.

The framework can be used to guide the development of a monitoring and evaluation strategy to measure the success of the organisational capacity building efforts and possibly evidence of its impact on the ultimate goal: improved and expanded service delivery." (AIDSTAR-Two 2011)


  • Guiding principles for organisational capacity building
  • Components of the organisational capacity building framework
  • The organisational capacity building framework
  • Monitoring and evaluation


AIDSTAR-Two 2011, Organizational Capacity Building Framework. Arlington: AIDSTAR-Two.