This guide provides a series of tips on preparing an evaluation statement of work (SOW). The importance of SOW is explained before delving into preparation, key issues and balancing the four dimensions (Evaluation Questions, Budget, Expertise, and Timeframe) to ensure the credibility and utility of the final evaluation report.
- What is an evaluation statement of work (SOW)?
- Why is the SOW important?
- Preparation - Key issues
- Balancing four dimensions
- Advice planning
- Who should be involved
- The elements of a good evaluation SOW
- Describe the activity, program, or process to be evaluated
- Provide a brief background
- State the purpose and use of the evaluation
- Clarify the evaluation questions
- Identify evaluation options
- Identify existing performance information
- Specify deliverables and timeline
- Discuss the composition of the evaluation team
- Address scheduling, logistics and other support
- Clarify requirements for reporting and dissemination
- Include a budget
Blue R. (2010) Preparing and Evaluation Statement of Work (SOW), Performance Monitoring & Evaluation TIPS, Washington DC, USAID. Retrieved from