This resource pack from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) comprises of two parts that can be used to plan and conduct joint evaluations. The first part of the pack consists of a guidance document outlining issues that need to be considered; the management and governance structures that need to be put in place; and the steps for conducting a joint evaluation. The second part of the the pack is a toolkit with a range of checklists, examples and good examples that can be used to conduct a joint evaluation.
"Joint Evaluation is emerging as an important tool for influencing UN reform initiatives and high-level policy discussions. Driven by broad concerns about the need for greater UN system-wide coherence, Member States are asking UN agencies to be highly collaborative and to adopt coordinated approaches. The Secretary-General’s 2006 High-Level Panel on UN system-wide coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment for example recommended that the UN seek to “Deliver as One” at country level, with one leader, one programme, one budget and where appropriate one office. Both the Millennium Development Goals and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) similarly place emphasis on coordinated and joint approaches to programing while in the field of peacekeeping, there is increased attention to multi-dimensional operations." (UNEG, 2013)
- Guidance Document 17
- Deciding To Undertake a Joint Evaluation 18
- Advantages and Challenges of Joint Evaluations 21
- Advantages of Joint Evaluations 22
- Challenges of Joint Evaluations 25
- Joint Evaluation Management and Governance Structures 28
- General Considerations for Governance Structures 32
- Steering Committee 34
- Management Group 35
- Lead Agency and Management Group Chair 38
- Reference Group 39
- Host Country Stakeholders 41
- Advisory Group 42
- Undertaking a Joint Evaluation 43
- Preparing For a Joint Evaluation 45
- Joint Evaluation Implementation 54
- Utilization of Joint Evaluation Outcomes 55
- Gender and Human Rights Dimensions In Joint Evaluations 64
- Toolkit 85
- Planning a Joint Evaluation 93
- Terms of Reference for A Joint Evaluation 97
- Inception Reports for a Joint Evaluation 101
- Joint Evaluation Management and Governance Structures 106
- Reporting On a Joint Evaluation 114
- Management Response 125
- Annex 1. Knowledge Management for Joint Evaluations 135
United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), (2013). Resource Pack on Joint Evaluations. Retrieved from:
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